Page 8 - INDO DEFENCE 2022 - DAY 1
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                                               present status?                        CN-235 aircraft, which is well proven in the
                                                                                      region. In the Indonesian domestic market,
                                               Starting from 2011, PTDI has been actively  we expect demand for two aircraft for the
                                               involved in the development of a multi role  Indonesian Navy and three more aircraft
                                               combat aircraft with Republic of Indonesia  for the Indonesian Armed Forces. In the
                                               Government  and  Republic  of  Korea  export market as well, we are confident of
                                               Government. Under the supervision of our  demand. Potential customers could include
                                               Ministry of Defence, the programme aims  the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF)
                                               to build Indonesian capabilities to defend  for  military  transport  and  VIP  versions.
                                               its air territory, to establish and enhance a  Nigerian customers are interested in the
                                               sustainable Indonesian Defence industry  CN-235s military and commercial variants.
                                               and deliver fighters to the Indonesian Air  The Bangladesh Air Force and Bangladesh
                                               Forces.                                Army are also potential customers.

                                               PTDI  as the Indonesian Industrial  3. Is PTDI working on any
                                               Participant (IIP) is participating in the  unmanned systems?
        Irlan Budiman                          Engineering Work Package (EWP) as
        PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI)         part of the Engineering & Manufacturing  PTDI has been developing an unmanned
        Corporate Secretary                    Development (EMD) activities carried out  aerial vehicle named Wulung. It uses com-
                                               at PTDI facility, in the form of analysis  posite materials and powered by pusher
                                               and design for the KFX/IFX structure with  type single piston engine, equipped with
                                               direct supervision of the Korean Aerospace  single Ground Control Station as central
        Indonesia’s state-owned enterprise, PT   Industry (KAI) senior engineers. This work  control. The Wulung has the capability to
        Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) also known   was completed in September 2022. PTDI is  perform  ISR  (Intelligence,  Surveillance,
        as Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) is one of the   also participating in the Aircraft Component  Reconnaissance). Besides, PTDI in coop-
        largest aerospace firms in the Southeast   Manufacturing (ACM) prototype compo-  eration  with  a  consortium  of  five  other
        Asia region. PTDI is showcasing its aero-  nent productionActivities.         institution are now developing UAV Medium
        space prowess at the ongoing show with   This work is being carried out at PTDI is  Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) named
        scale models of its N219 Amphibious    specifically related to some of the metal  Elang Hitam. The consortium consisted
        version, N219, CN235-220, NC212i, KFX/  components of the aircraft’s wing and tail.  of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence
        IFX and Medium Altitude Long Endurance   PTDI is also producing pylon components  (MoD), the  TNI-AU, state- owned aero-
        Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MALE UAV)     for prototype aircraft 1 to 6. The ACM phase  space company PT Dirgantara Indonesia
        Elang  Hitam.  In  an  exclusive  interview   is planned to be completed by the end of  (PTDI), national defence electronics com-
        to Atul Chandra, Irlan Budiman, PTDI   this year. PTDI engineers have already been  pany PT Len Industri, the National Institute
        Corporate Secretary provides insights into   dispatched to KAI in Sacheon to participate  of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), the
        ongoing programmes at the Indonesian   in the aircraft engineering and manufactur-  Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and
        airframer.                             ing development.                       Application of Technology (BPPT), and the
                                                                                      Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
        Edited Excerpts from the Interview.    2. Please elaborate on the domestic and  The first prototype of the Elang Hitam was
                                               export market for the CN-235?          implemented at PTDI’s facilities in Bandung
        1. Please elaborate on PTDI’s role in the                                     on 30 December 2019, and the next plan is
        IF-X 5th generation fighter programme and   We expect sustained demand for the  to carry out an inaugural flight test.

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