Page 16 - INDO DEFENCE 2022 - DAY 2
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PT DAHANA recently completed another 450 rocket, which also carries a strate- common desire to have a ground-to-ground
a static test for the R-HAN 450 rocket. gic value. “This static test activity is very rocket of at least 100 km with good results,”
The test was performed in collabora- important to see the consistency of the Yusuf added.
tion with Indonesia’s National Research results of research and development of
and Innovation Agency (BRIN), and Defense Rockets, which is a joint commit- Apart from the commercial explosives
the Indonesian Ministry of Defence’s ment of PT DAHANA, Ministry of Defense’s products, DAHANA also produces explo-
Board for Research and Technology Research and Development and BRIN,” sives for defence purposes such as Bomb
(Balitbang). This test took place at the Yusuf said. P Series, defence rockets, smokeless rock-
Space and Atmospheric Technology ets, counter-tank weapons. The company’s
Test & Observation Center (BUTPAAG) Data from the current static test process latest innovation is the ‘Rajata’ loitering
in Pemeungpeuk, Garut. DAHANA also showed an increase in performance and munition. PT DAHANA’s explosive prod-
cooperated with the ORPA BRIN Rocket characteristics compared to the previous ucts are manufactured in Subang are not
Technology Research Center DAHANA’s year’s static test result. ‘The current static only for the Indonesian market, but also
Director of Technology and Development, test demonstrated significant develop- for export purposes to various countries.
Suhendra Yusuf RPN, said that DAHANA ments and improvements compared to Earlier this year, the company exported
was given the mandate to proceed with the last year. The results are satisfactory and emulsion cartridge-based explosives to
development of the 100km-range RHAN very good. Hopefully we can realize our Australia for use in underground mines.
The bilateral Garuda Shield training event Flynn. “Together as a multinational force,
between the Indonesian Army and the U.S. Garuda Shield is an important expression
Army grew into this year’s “Super Garuda of our teamwork, our interoperability and
Shield” exercises, which emerged as one of our unity as a group of nations that seek
the biggest joint, multinational exercises in to have a free and open Indo-Pacific and
the Indo-Pacific region. The recently con- maintain a rules-based order.”
cluded exercises, featured the banners Indonesian-led exercise has grown in scope
of 14 nations. Super Garuda Shield 2022 More than 4,000 combined forces per- and scale. Every time we can build our joint
featured several “firsts,” including the first sonnel, including first time participants readiness is a great opportunity for us and
ever tri-lateral airborne jump among the Australia, Singapore, and Japan Ground the region,” said Smith. “The growth of this
United States, Indonesia, and Japan, which Self Defense Force, are participating in exercise shows its importance and how
concluded early today. The multinational support of the exercise. Other participat- these nations view this as a consequential
exercise’s planning, operations, exchanges, ing nations include Canada, France, India, area within the Indo-Pacific region. ”Over
and activities increase all participating Malaysia, New Zealand, the Republic of the duration of the exercise, Super Garuda
nations’ military defense capabilities and Korea, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, Shield featured an amphibious exercise,
work to maintain a free and open Indo- and the United Kingdom. Maj. Gen. maritime security training, military oper-
Pacific. “When we’re together like this, we Stephen G. Smith, Commanding General, ations in an urban terrain training, an air
are stronger,” said Commanding General 7th Infantry Division and exercise director defense exercise, airborne operations, and
of the U.S. Army Pacific, General Charles for Super Garuda Shield 2022 said, “This an airfield seizure exercise.
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