Page 23 - SOFEX 2022 - Day 3
P. 23
successfully transform their business, it is sustain and grow the citizen services and processes, things and technologies, loca-
obvious that the most successful organi- to elevate their digital business and citi- tions and events and triggers), model them,
zations are those who managed to adopt zen index. Private organizations need to analyze them, and design them, will help
a multi[pronged approach. First, link the transform to build and grow their business organizations build the right cybersecurity
Enterprise architecture activities to the capabilities. The enterprise architecture framework that perfectly fit their specific
business strategy, adopt a business-out- was and still is the right tool to boost these needs, “Just Enough” ,and “Just in Time.”
come-driven enterprise architecture efforts that protect organizations from Compared to the success achieved by the
approach, prioritize business architec- digital transformation activities (which are organizations that adopted the enterprise
ture, and then link IT efforts to business innovation activities focused on disruption architecture for digital transformation, the
direction and strategy. Second, avoid res- initiated by their competitors). security architects need to: first, link the
tricting the EA team to the IT organization cybersecurity to the business objectives,
and manage to build a robust enterprise Cybersecurity and risk management lea- second, build the cybersecurity key risk
architecture team that consists of a core, ders also need the right tool to understand indicators and link them to the organiza-
virtual, and fusion team resources from the organizational DNA in a way that is inte- tional key performance indicators, third,
across the organization. Third, avoid pur- grated and connected, but at the same time, avoid restricting the cybersecurity respon-
suing the enterprise architecture program loosely coupled enough to allow them to sibilities, accountabilities, knowledge and
with the lack of pre-developed key perfor- identify hundreds or thousands of different experience to the technology leaders, and
mance metrics, construct an initial set of attack scenarios, enforcing the business to stop throwing money on problems by
enterprise architecture practice efficiency modelling languages as a way to commu- investing only in technology since most of
metrics, and soon after, construct a set nicate the business cybersecurity risks. The the cyberattacks are successful because
of enterprise architecture practice effec- depth of adoption will enable organizations of the lack of proper cybersecurity proces-
tiveness metrics. Fourth, demonstrate the to capitalize on new spaces that become ses and or people awareness, and fourth,
avoid viewing cybersecurity as a finite pro-
business value of enterprise architecture available using AI capabilities. Enterprise cess. The last-mentioned aspect might be
to business leaders by targeting EA efforts Architecture as a tool (a way of thinking the most critical considering that most
to deliver “just enough” and “just in time.” and not technology) will help cybersecu- internationally recognized cybersecurity
Fifth, avoid viewing EA as a finite process rity leaders to build the right framework to frameworks are control based, and even-
and manage to treat EA as a continuous protect the organization from innovative tually become a compliance framework
and iterative effort offered as an evolving hacking or attacking activities focused on where organizations get used to following
portfolio of services designed to meet sta- disrupting the business. the controls as a check list. Eventually, this
keholder needs. leads to the Boiling Frog Syndrome, (alt-
Adopting the enterprise architecture con- hough it is not proven) that the Frog boiled
Government organizations are under huge cepts to understand the business artifacts to death as it was adapting to the tiny dis-
pressure to transform their services to (objectives, roles and responsibilities, ruptive changes.
SOFEX JORDAN 2022 NOVEMBER-03-2022 | 23