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compared to something like 30 minutes if
                                                             © Pegasus International Group
                                                                                      only batteries are used.

                                                                                      Pegasus, founded in 2009, is one of
                                                                                      only two manufacturers in the world to
                                                                                      have obtained national airworthiness

                                                                                      Pegasus’ models available today are sin-
                                                                                      gle-seaters, but by the end of the year a
                                                                                      four-seater air taxi prototype will be com-
                                                                                      pleted. Other projects on the trot are a
                                                                                      freight flying car and an air ambulance.

                                                                                      Other technology being integrated into vehi-
                                                                                      cles is autonomous navigation. This is vital
                                                                                      in broadening market appeal, because then
                                                                                      there will be no need for a trained helicopter
                                                                                      pilot to fly the cars.

                                                                                      Pegasus has been engaging with the
                                                                                      Australian government and local univer-
                                                                                      sities to explore common interests in
                                                                                      urban transport policy, trade relations and
                                                                                      technology development. Yang explained,
                                                                                      ‘We’re not trying to invent regulations as we
        PEGASUS ISN’T                                                                 go. As we design, we thought about how we
                                                                                      can fit into this existing regulation.’

        HORSING AROUND                                                                Pegasus is gearing up for the 2032 Brisbane
                                                                                      Olympics, which it sees as a seminal event
                                                                                      for air mobility. ‘We are convinced that
                                                                                      Pegasus’ police flying cars and air taxi, air
        WHEN IT COMES TO                                                              logistics and air ambulance products will
                                                                                      provide superior security, passenger and
                                                                                      freight transport, and emergency response
        FLYING CARS!                                                                  services and contribute greatly to the suc-
                                                                                      cess of the 2032 Brisbane Olympics.’

        Melbourne-based Pegasus International   Yang explained, ‘Pegasus is not just about  Pegasus is looking for investment to fund
        Group is exhibiting its innovative flying cars   flying somewhere, but it’s about saving  rapid expansion, and it is eyeing markets
        at Avalon Airshow 2023, one a civil aviation   time.’ It is thus ideal for avoiding traffic   like the UAE that are very receptive to urban
        variant and another decked out in police   congestion, for example, or for a landowner   air mobility.
        markings to reflect its pitch to the Victorian   to get from one side of his sprawling rural
        Police.                                property to another.                   The firm concluded: ‘Pegasus is convinced
                                                                                      that in the near future, the opportunity to
        Many might think flying cars are a figment   Looking like a single-seater sports car able   leverage three-dimensional space to allevi-
        of the future, but Pegasus is making them   to fit into any parking slot, the vehicles have   ate surface congestion and capacity issues
        a reality now. Jacky Yang, Chief Technology   retractable 5.285m-diameter rotor blades   will lead to the establishment of networks
        Officer at Pegasus, said the company has   that allow it to soar into the sky via a 160hp   of flying cars dedicated to critical activi-
        recorded ten sales already, and the first two   engine. The advantage of VTOL is that no   ties such as rapid passenger transport,
        cars will be delivered to customers in April.  runway is needed.              sensitive freight delivery and emergency

        Pegaus claims to offer the world’s only ver-  Utilising carbon composites, titanium and   response. These networks will become an
                                                                                      integral part of urban and regional transpor-
        tical take-off and landing (VTOL) car that is   aircraft-grade aluminium, the flying cars   tation in Australia and globally.’
        truly roadworthy. Yang said the flying cars   have a dry weight of just 265kg. They can
        are 100% Australian designed and, ‘We are   reach top speeds of 160km/h in the air,
        very proud that it is extremely easy to fly.’  whereas a 130km/h cruising speed would   Fiction? Morgan Stanley in a 2021 report
                                               permit a theoretical range of 420km. Its  anticipated that this urban air mobility
        The first E-Class model flew in 2017, and   ceiling is 1,800m.                sector will be worth USD1 trillion by 2040.
        the Pegasus CES was released in 2020.                                         This sector is set to boom.
        Yang noted that the company is now gain-  The advantage of a hybrid engine is that
        ing traction, after having weathered COVID.  they have an endurance of three hours,  Order your flying car today!
        4  | FEBRUARY-28-2023                                                                  WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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