Page 20 - Defense & Security 2023 - Day 1
P. 20

Royal Thai Army to Soon Add Third Airbus

        C295 Transport Aircraft

        The third Airbus C295 transport aircraft or-  short-field performance, economical oper-  characteristics for tactical missions, flying
        dered by the Royal Thai Army (RTA) arrived  ation and maintenance costs. Capable of  at speeds as slow as 110 knots. In the troop
        in the country in October and is slated to be  operating on short or unprepared airstrips,  passenger configuration, the C295 accom-
        inducted into service, later in the year. The   the C295 is used for tactical transport of  modates 71 troops or 50 paratroopers and
        RTA already operates two of the type, which   troops and the required logistic supplies  jumpmaster. For cargo transportation, the
        were ordered in 2005 and 2018 respectively.   (water, food, ammunition, medical supplies,  aircraft’s 12.69-metre-long unobstructed
        The third aircraft was ordered in 2021. The   and spare parts) from the main operating  pressurized cabin accepts five standard
        three new transport aircraft will replace the   base to forward bases, and among forward  88” x 108” pallets or eight A-22 contain-
        RTA’s fleet of ageing CASA 212 light trans-  locations which are not accessible to heavi-
        ports, which entered service in 1994. The                                     ers. On medical evacuation missions, the
        RTA was slated to retire its CASA 212s from   er aircraft. It also can airdrop paratroops  C295 can be fitted with 24 stretchers and
        service this year, with only a sole example   and cargo loads with the use of 88-in.-width  seven medical attendants. Intensive care
        now thought to be operational.         platforms and container delivery system  configurations also are possible. Till date,
                                               (CDS) A22 bundles.                     Airbus has received 283 orders for the C295
        The C295 is popular in the Asia Pacific                                       from 41 operators, making it the undisputed
        region due to its versatility, rough and  The aircraft has outstanding low-level flight  leader in its segment.

        Tests Conducted for Thai Electronic                                           Thailand’s Security Industry Standards
                                                                                      Testing Center and Defence Technology
        Search Device for Bomb Assembly Circuits                                      Institute announced in October that it had
                                                                                      tested an indigenously developed elec-
                                                                                      tronic search device for bomb assembly
                                                                                      circuits. The Faculty of Engineering. Prince
                                                                                      of Songkla University had developed the
                                                                                      electronic search device for bomb assembly
                                                                                      circuits. The testing of the electronic device
                                                                                      search engine for explosive circuit assem-
                                                                                      blies involved simulating the environment
                                                                                      for its real use. The test topics included
                                                                                      test operation at high temperatures and
                                                                                      test protection against solids, level IP 5.

        20 NOVEMBER-06-2023                                                                    WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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