Page 26 - AAA JULY-AUGUST 2012 Online Magazine
P. 26


         Business Challenge

        The perception in the               There is no doubT The 2008 financial   and  continued  exposure  to  the  benefits
        region that business                crisis  hit  the  private  jet  business   of  business  aviation  will  convert  some
                                                                                of  them  to  fractional  or  full  ownership
                                            worldwide.  but  while  the  momentum  to
        jets are the preserve of            buy  appears  to  have  waned  somewhat,   when  their  level  of  requirement  makes
        the rich and famous is              charter  demand  is  still  holding  its  own,   it  economically  sensible.  one  additional
                                            with encouraging signs for further growth.
                                                                                advantage  that  potential  fractional
        changing as a broader               Many  potential  aircraft  buyers  are  now   owners are considering is the deployment
        range of corporate clients          taking the less risky option of chartering   of  their  aircraft  on  a  commercial  basis
        comes to appreciate                 a  jet  when  they  need  one,  instead  of   when it is not required for their own use.
                                            buying one. however the lack of suitable
                                                                                in this case, they receive a share of income
        cost-efficient options for          choice of jets available for charter in asia   for  this  third-party  use  of  their  aircraft.
        the use of an executive             has  to  some  extent  placed  a  lid  on  this   Greater  exposure  to  the  economic  and
                                                                                practical advantages of executive jet use
                                            - most jets owned by rich individuals or
        aircraft. Prithpal Singh,           corporations  are  not  available  for  public   will help to break through the barrier that
        CEO Executive Jets Asia,            hire as they are mostly registered in the   the dominance of the commercial airline
        reports                             private category.                   business in asia has created.
                                               There  are  a  few  companies  in
                                            the  region  –  like  executive  Jets  asia   Glimmers of hope
                                            (eJa)  –  which  own  and  operate  private   but  it’s  not  all  gloomy  news  as  the
                                            jets  registered  in  the  public  transport   bankers  trim  their  transport  budgets.
                                            category  and  are  therefore  available   although  recent  economic  issues  have
                                            for  hire.  regional  demands  across   impacted  business  travel  budgets,  the
                                            Malaysia,  singapore  and  the  Philippines   boost  in  commodity  prices  has  seen  a
                                            are  driving  business  from  individuals   significant  rise  in  charters  from  other
                                            and  organisations  which  appreciate  the   sectors (see map opposite). “companies
                                            benefits of such aircraft access, but don’t   in  agricultural  and  mining  sectors  are
                                            yet need outright ownership. nonetheless,   flying more, so we are confident there is
        Prithpal Singh                      locally – unlike the historical trend in the   enough resilience in the broad economy
        (OPPOSITE, TOP) is keen             us and europe – the charter business has   to  be  optimistic  about  future  growth,”
        to see more business
        jets flying. He could be            been predominant, and is set to open up     noted  one  operator.  The  other  light  on
        in luck: Asia has the               significantly in the future.        the horizon is the Medevac business. This
        second-highest global                  Many customers so far have opted for   has grown so much that some operators,
        growth prediction                   ad  hoc  charter  use  of  fleet  aircraft,  but   like eJa, have seen fit to convert aircraft
        (OPPOSITE, BELOW)                   operators  are  optimistic  that  increased   for permanent air ambulance operations.
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