Page 8 - AAA JULY-AUGUST 2012 Online Magazine
P. 8


                                                                                AIDS tax on the way?

                                                                                Plans  are  being  made  for  India  to
          Costly cracks                                                         introduce an air ticket tax to help fund

          Dubai’s Emirates Airline has lost nearly   He  described  “enormous”  operational   cheap HIV/AIDS medicines, according to
          US$100  million  thanks  to  wing  cracks   problems  working  around  the  airtime   the  United Nations. “Since air traffic is
          in  its  A380  fleet,  according  to  reports.   loss,  and  admitted  the  company  was   very high in India, the small amount of
          Emirates, a lead A380 customer, had to   looking  for  some  kind  of  compensation   levy [would make] a huge difference to
          ground six A380s while inspections were   from Airbus. “No one is paying anything   the amount of drugs we can purchase,”
          carried out. Airline president Tim Clark   at the moment,” he added. “But the A380   UNITAID executive director Denis Broun
          complained that this meant 30% of the   is a very successful airplane for us, and it   said. The scheme already exists in South
          company’s A380 fleet was out of action.   won’t stop us from getting more.”   Korea, Niger, Mali and other countries
                                                                                and  is  generating  US$200  million
                                                                                annually.  Broun  proposes  a  US$0.20
         Tax cuts?                                                              tax  on  domestic  flights  and  US$1  on
          India’s  Civil  Aviation  ministry  has   the fuel tax should allow Indian carriers   international  flights.  Discussions  were
          proposed  cutting  down  high  state   to  become  competitive  on  domestic   at a very early stage, he added. “It would
          taxes  on  jet  fuel  that  can  in  certain   routes,  and  compete  better  with   be a good thing for India,” he said. “First
          cases amount to to up to 35% of airline   international  carriers.  As  ticket  prices   of  all,  Indian  patients  benefit  -  35,000
          operating costs. This should bring down   soar, the ministry has also proposed the   Indian children are treated for HIV using
          costs for ailing domestic airlines with a   abolishing  of  service  tax  on  air  travel.   drugs paid for by UNITAID.” As he noted,
          cumulative  debt  of  US$20  billion.  The   Service tax, including fuel surcharge, is   UNITAID  buys  most  of  its  drugs  from
          ministry has sought reducing state taxes   currently 10.3% of the total fare for any   India, so the money would go back into
          on jet fuel to a uniform 4%. Reduction in   economy ticket on international flights.     the Indian economy.

                              Following  the  promotion  of  previous  CEO  Tom  Enders,  Fabrice  Brégier  has  taken  over  as  Airbus
                              President and CEO. He started his career as a test engineer at a nuclear power station, before moving
                              briefly to Japan in 1984. In 1986 he moved to government work, taking a post in the Alsace Ministry of
                              Industry, following that with spells as ministry advisor and at Matra Défense. Having made to move
                              to aerospace, he went on to consolidate his career in the air as CEO at the joint Matra BAe Dynamics
                              operation, then moved to missile company MBDA as CEO of MBDA. In 2003, he moved to Eurocopter
                              and was appointed Head of EADS’s Eurocopter before starting work at Airbus as COO in October 2006.
                              Brégier has pledged more planes, more integration and an expansion of Airbus’s global footprint.

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