Page 13 - AAA NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 13
Aviation in
China Set to
Despite rising fuel costs and the economic slowdown,
China’s aviation industry is following ambitious
expansion plans. The forecast is that it will become
the world’s second largest market for new commercial
aircraft in only a couple of decades. By Rachel Sullivan
According to projections releAsed also unleashed passenger demand for
recently by Boeing, china will need 5,260 broader international travel.
new commercial aircraft over the next 20 “We expect chinese carriers to
years, valued at over Us$650 billion. More experience rapid international expansion
impressively, over 75% of demand will be over the next 20 years, with an annual
for growth – not replacement. estimates increase rate of 8.9% on average,”
from Airbus are similar, with the two not Boeing’s tinseth adds. “that is not only
unexpectedly projecting to dominate the because the market demand is growing,
market with aircraft such as Airbus’ A320 but because chinese carriers now have
and Boeing’s 787 dreamliner and 777. But the capability and resources to compete
on home territory, china aims to enter the in the tough long-haul international
largest segment with its new narrow- market.” to underpin this capability, on-
body comac c919 from 2016; until then the-ground infrastructure is also getting
the country is likely to remain a significant a boost across the country.
importer of foreign aircraft.
“sustained strong economic growth,
growing trade activities and increasing
personal wealth are some of the driving
forces [behind these projections],” says
randy tinseth, Boeing commercial
Airplanes’ Vp for marketing. “travellers
also care about increased connectivity,
efficiency and lower prices.” Both Airbus
and Boeing assert that domestic travel
is the main market for chinese airlines,
with Airbus’ coo for customers john
leahy observing that “domestic flights China Southern Airlines
from one city to another within china will was the first Chinese
be the largest single market in the world carrier to receive the
in 20 years”. But it is not all short haul. world’s largest passenger
the expansion of the chinese market has aircraft, the Airbus A380