Page 16 - AAA NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 16


             Other makers are
        eyeing the potentially
        lucrative general
        aviation market in the
        newly derestricted
        Chinese airspace

        the state air traffic control commission.   airports in western  china, and grant   marketing the aircraft, camp says they are
        speaking at the 2012 china low-altitude   foreign carriers unprecedented unlimited   following the Airbus/Boeing precedent and
        economy summit, he noted that opening   access to the area’s provinces and   are looking at manufacturing in  china to
        up low-altitude airspace nationwide is   regions. “china’s general aviation sector   gain access to the market.
        expected to stimulate the growth of the   has  gone  through  major  growth  in  the   “At this stage we are keeping an open
        fledgling  general  aviation  industry  –   past 10 years, though it was coming off   mind.  if we achieve more significant
        which should in turn fuel the country’s   a low base,” says damian camp, ceo of   sales than we expect, then we may
        broader economic growth.            new Zealand-based  pacific Aerospace   consider a similar approach,” he says.
           the reforms will relax a ban on the   (pAl).  in  mid-2012,  camp’s  company   “cAiB has committed to a minimum of
        use of low-altitude airspace across the   signed a deal with Xi’an Yanliang national   five aircraft a year for the next three
        country, and follow a decision by the   Aviation Hi-tech  industrial Base (cAiB)   years, but the opportunities are many
        state  council and the  central Military   that  will  see  cAiB  become  partner  and   times that,” he adds.
        commission  in  2010  to open  up part  of   china  agent  responsible  for  marketing   other makers are eyeing the
        the country’s low-altitude airspace for the   the company’s p-750 Xstol aircraft.  potentially lucrative general aviation
        first time. According to Zhu, the reforms   As part of the agreement with   market in the newly derestricted chinese
        will be implemented over the next five to   pAl,  cAiB has ordered five  p-750   airspace. Aircraft for flight training
        10 years, starting in 2013.         Xstols, a 10-seater, short take-off and   schools,  commercial  and  general
                                            landing single-engine aircraft that is   aviation, freight transport, agricultural
        General expansion                   reportedly used around the world for
        “in particular,  [the new rules] will   freight,  passenger,  aerial  survey  and
        simplify application procedures for the   surveillance, medevac, agriculture and
        use of low-altitude airspace by general   skydiving operations. the p-750’s newly
        aviation flights, including private jets,”   released  long-range  wing  gives  the
        asserts Zhu  shicai.  related projects    craft a 2,183-kilometre range, making
        have been launched in the northeastern   it  perfectly  suited  to  china,  says  jin
        and central-southern regions of  china,   Qiansheng, chairman of cAiB.
        and  in  seven  initial  cities  –  tangshan,   “the  p-750 Xstol satisfied all of our   Damian Camp, CEO of Pacific
                                                                                Aerospace, with the company’s
        Xi’an, Qingdao, Hangzhou,  ningbo,   requirements,” notes  jin. “With its safety   P-750 XSTOL aircraft, which will be
        Kunming  and  chongqing  –  airspace   record, exceptional performance and   marketed by Chinese partner Xi’an
        below  1,000  metres  is  now  open  to   multifunctional roles, the  p-750 Xstol is   Yanliang National Aviation Hi-tech
        general aviation flights.           ideal for the burgeoning general aviation   Industrial Base. This deal is Pacific
           new rules also allow for the use of   market in  china.” Although at present   Aerospace’s first foray into the
        private  capital in  the construction  of   the partnership with  cAiB is limited to   Chinese market
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