Page 29 - AAA NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 29


        the significant efficiency and capability   been recognised that a well-established   automotive, high-tech, leather goods, and
        advantages of specialist large freighters   airport cargo infrastructure is a must.  apparels and textiles, among others.
        – such as its 747 and 777 – will represent                                 Work on other private Indian airports
        36% of the fleet, compared to 31%   Shadows on the hangar wall          also continues. recently, the GMr Group’s
        today, it says. And though fuel costs are   despite the optimism in  china and Hong   Hyderabad airport received certification
        expected to be volatile, they are not likely   Kong, other Asian ports are not faring   from lufthansa cargo, to become one of
        to move significantly higher than current   so well.  thai Airways, for instance, has   the airline’s cargo hubs in south Asia for
        levels. Furthermore, shippers of such   replaced its  boeing  777 freighters on   transporting pharmaceutical products.
        cargo as perishables and very high value   lease from Us carrier  southern Air with   the potential is there.
        commodities,  especially  the  pacific  rim   two  boeing 747-400s it owns. Worse,
        countries, will lead all other international   the carrier may incur  bt100 million in  Looking ahead
        markets in average annual growth between   losses from its cargo business this year   some companies, despite the current
        2011 and 2031, asserts the company.   on slowing demand due to last year’s   situation, are confident the slide will not
           More potential for optimism comes   floods and weakening exports.  pichai   continue. one of these is Fedex, which has
        from china – although analysts say some   chunganuwad,  Md,  cargo  and  Mail   just put its money where its mouth is with a
        regions in Asia are experiencing a fall   commercial  department, estimated that   new s$97 million facility, consolidating air,
        in business, china is expected to be the   this year’s cargo revenue could be 5% short   ground and customs clearance operations
        fastest growing contiguous market in   of the company’s bt30 billion target.  under one roof, at the Air  cargo  express
        the world, averaging 8% growth per year.   And India, even though air cargo traffic   Hub at  singapore’s  changi Airport. Fedex
        Indeed, with the opening of the HK$5.5   is growing slightly, is still only expected to   shipments are now transported, cleared
        million cathay pacific cargo terminal at   move around 2.64 million tonnes this year   and sent from aircraft to vehicle through
        Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA),   – the same amount as the new terminal at   the single location, reducing internal cargo
        the  world‘s  busiest  international  cargo   just one airport in china (HKIA). Analysts   handling time from two hours to 10 minutes.
        airport, the signs are good.        agree that for India to make any headway,   “We have invested in this facility
           stanley Hui Hon-chung, HKIA  ceo,   airport  infrastructure  needs  to  improve,   because it allows us to be more effective
        recently noted that it was very encouraging   with more dedicated cargo terminals.   in delivering services to our customer,”
        to see  flight movements  reach  new   current modernisation work on the cargo   said Karen reddington, regional Vp, south
        heights at HKIA. “We anticipate a steady   terminal at  delhi International Airport   pacific at Fedex express. “It allows us to
        growth trend in coming months as travel   should enable it to handle one million   be more efficient, it takes time off the
        usually peaks at the end of the year,” he   tonnes annually, by 2013.   packing in the facility, and puts time where
        said. the new terminal will increase the   “It is good that India is looking seriously   we want it to be, which is with the couriers
        airport’s capacity by 2.5 million tones,   at its cargo infrastructure upgrade. India   on the road,” she said.
        and operators shenzen donghai Airlines,   exports pharmaceuticals, for instance, in   With forward-looking and positive
        silk Way Airlines and sF Airlines are all   a big way.  lack of facilities will hold up   approaches like that, there is no doubt that
        starting freighter services in parallel with   growth,” warned canan Çelebioğlu tokgöz   should the turnaround come sooner or later,
        the new facility. Uniquely positioned in the   of Çelebi Holding, which is involved in the   the smart cargo operators will be the ones
        Greater pearl river delta region, HKIA is   upgrade project. As India’s second largest   placed to benefit most. HKIA and  changi
        nonetheless facing significant competition   airport in terms of cargo traffic, delhi also   are not letting grim current figures dull
        as a result of the fast development of   serves as the gateway to the industrial   their vision. Where there’s freight there’s
        airports in mainland china and air cargo   areas of northern India, which are home   business, they say. And the indicators are
        growth in the region. As a result, it has   to a variety of industries, including   that’s likely to be in Asia.

                                              SAfE AS BOxES
                                              Ensuring cargo safety is a major issue, especially in the light of the recent hP
                                              printer bomb found in a shipment from the Middle East. A conference involving
                                              the Singapore Ministry of Transport, Singapore Customs, ICAO and the World
                                              Customs Organisation (WCO) looked at a range of issues. These included
                                              the implementation of a risk-based approach to ensure additional security
                                              measures are applied to high-risk cargo while facilitating the movement of
                                              low-risk consignments with minimal disruption. They will also work to examine
                                              similarities and differences of various security programmes with a view to
                                              reducing the administrative burden for regulators and industry, and to determine
                                              how electronic advance cargo information can be used to support risk.

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