Page 34 - AAA NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 34



                                                                               Loose seats could

                                                                                Following at least three incidents
                                                                                of seats coming loose during flight,
                                                                                American  Airlines  has  reportedly
                                                                                cancelled almost 100 flights to inspect
                                                                                their  planes  and  fix  the  problem.  A
                                                                                number of the airline’s Boeing 757s
                                                                                have been inspected, and American
                                                                                Airlines’ technicians initially thought
                                                                                that the problem lay with a saddle clamp
                                                                                that was not properly installed on the
                                                                                foot of the row leg after the seats had
                                                                                been removed and reinstalled during
                                                                                recent refurbishment. However, further
                                                                                investigations are underway. Speaking
                                                                                to  Associated  Press, Todd Curtis, a
                                                                                former safety engineer with Boeing and
                                                                                director of the Foundation,
                                                                                said American Airlines made the right
                                                                                decision to inspect more planes once it
                                                                                discovered the extent of the problem.
          Boeing Shanghai approved to maintain 777s
          The European Aviation Safety Agency   checks on Boeing 777-200 and 300s, as
          (EASA) has given Boeing Shanghai Aviation   well as repair and overhaul of associated
          Services its approval to add Boeing 777-  components. “This EASA authorisation is
          200 and -300 models to its maintainence   a  key  step  as  Boeing  Shanghai  pursues
          portfolio. This means Boeing Shanghai   new  business  by  focusing  on  additional
          can  now  perform,  among  other  things,   airplane models,” said Dermot Swan, CEO
          line maintenance and base maintenance   of Boeing Shanghai.

                                             Blackhawk Composites               Cathay Pacific upgrades
                                             earns certifications               A330-300 cabins
                                             US-based  Blackhawk  Composites,   Airbus Upgrade Services has begun
                                             which produces composite aerospace   work on the interior of Cathay Pacific’s
                                             and commercial components, has     A330-300 fleet. The planned upgrade
                                             been  awarded  the  ISO  9001:2008   includes the latest standards of new
                                             and AS9100C certification for its   flat-bed seats in business class – said
                                             manufacturing and quality management   to be a result of a passenger-led design
                                             systems. Blackhawk CEO and Director   process – and new seats to match the
                                             of Business Development at Blackhawk   previously installed AVOD IFE and mood
                                             Composites  lauded  the  team’s  hard   lighting. Commenting on the improved
                                             work, saying, “Achieving this milestone   design of the seats in business class,
                                             was a team effort that required support   Cathay Pacific’s CEO John Slosar said,
                                             from all areas of the facility including   “Our new Regional Business Class seat
                                             executive management and production   was developed after listening to our
                                             personnel.” He added, “This certification   customers’ feedback and it underlines
                                             solidified the importance of managing a   our commitment to excellence in
                                             disciplined quality management system   innovation and providing an exceptional
                                             within all areas of the operation.”   travel experience.”

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