Page 24 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 24


                                                                                to sell 200 large turboprops over the next
                                                                                20  years,  once  the  current  20%  import
                                                                                tariff is removed. russia’s largest aircraft
                                                                                lessor,  ilyushin  Finance,  has  tentatively
                                                                                indicated its interest in 10 aircraft.
                                                                                   The  smaller-selling  Fokker  100s
                                                                                continue  to  be  strong  in  Australia  as
                                                                                network  Aviation,  a  Qantas  subsidiary,
                                                                                is adding five Fokker 100s to its existing
                                                                                fleet of seven, taking its Fokker fleet to
                                                                                43. While orders haven’t increased, “the
                                                                                slightly  smaller  number  now  reflects
                                                                                the lower availability of Fokker aircraft,”
        ATR has landing                     at low rates to an increasing part of the   says Fokker services’ director of Aircraft
        gear designed                       population,”  Wings  Air  chairman  and   remarketing,  peter  van  oostrum.  And
        specifically for
        airports with                       Lion Air president pak rusdi kirana says.   Australian operator Alliance is adding a
        unpaved runways                     kirana says that the flexibility turboprops   Fokker 50 to its fleet of five Fokker 50s
                                            bring is contributing to the development   and 20 Fokker 70/100s. The Fokker 50 is
                                            of  business  opportunities  across  the   leased from dutch lessor GAFinance.
                                            country  and  developing  tourism  in
                                            regions like Java, Bali and nusantagara.  Looking ahead
                                               Bombardier Aerospace has big plans   As   technical   obsolescence,   cost
                                            for  China,  having  opened  its  office  in   inefficiencies  and  age  drive  small-
                                            shanghai  that  supports  its  Q-series   capacity aircraft to retire, turboprops will
                                            and  is  also  home  to  the  Bombardier   bring their advantages in fuel efficiency
                                            Commercial Aircraft teams working with   and flexible handling to the fore. This, say
                                            the  Commercial  Aircraft  Corporation  of   the makers, will result in a positive impact
                                            China  (ComAC).  Bombardier  predicts  a   on demand for new aircraft in the next 20
                                            demand  for  almost  2,400  commercial   years. Asian carriers like FireFly (owned
                                            aircraft  in  the  60-  to  149-seat  segment   by malaysian Airlines), philippines’ Bicol
                                            in booming China over the next 20 years,   Air express (looking to start services with
                                            making  it  the  world’s  second-largest   Fokker 50s) and pakistan’s Airblue (due
                                            market  for  new  aircraft  deliveries,   to  implement  70-seater  turboprops  by
                                            following closely behind the Us.    2013) are all jumping on to the turboprop
                                               Bombardier   is   also   moving   bandwagon. The best for the market may
                                            aggressively  in  russia,  where  it  expects   just be yet to come.

                                                                         POST-SALES SERVICE
                                                                         Post-sales service is an important part of any
                                                                         aircraft deal. SpiceJet has signed a 10-year
                                                                         agreement under Bombardier’s comprehensive
                                                                         SmartParts programme that will provide
                                                                         a wide spectrum of cost-per-flight-hour
                                                                         maintenance for the airline’s full fleet of Q400
                                                                         NextGen aircraft. “The fact that we will be
                                                                         able to proactively budget for traditionally
                                                                         variable expenses and count on optimal
                                                                         repair turnaround times under Bombardier’s
                                                                         SmartParts programme is another significant
                                                                         advantage,” said Neil Mills, CEO, SpiceJet.

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