Page 28 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 28


                                                                                worldwide  that  offer  this  instruction;
                                                                                the  other  is  in  Miami.  the  big  problem
                                                                                facing  airlines  looking  for  training  on
                                                                                advanced  types  such  as  the  787  is  the
                                                                                availability  of  real  aircraft  to  practice
                                                                                on:  as  a  result  the  centre  has  invested
                                                                                heavily  in  virtual  reality  software.  “and
                                                                                for aircraft like the 787 we no longer use
                                                                                paper  manuals  –  it’s  mostly  program-
                                                                                based  using  plug-in  diagnostics,  so  we
                                                                                have to get the trainees used to working
                                                                                that way too,” he adds.
                                                                                   tiong ang, duty technical instructor for
                                                                                the 787 maintenance program, contends
                                                                                that  trainees  prefer  the  software-based
                                                                                training  approach.  “they  find  it  easier,
                                                                                and  they  learn  interactively  and  directly
                                                                                from the desktop,” he says. this means
                                                                                they can complete a whole course without
                                                                                having the need to work on an [expensive]
                                                                                sample part or airframe. “the [training]
                                                                                software  was  developed  as  the  [787]
        ABOVE: It’s not just huge
        numbers of pilots that will                                             airframes  were  being  designed,  so  they
        be needed over the next                                                 work seamlessly together,” he says. “in
        20 years – well-trained                                                 fact  the  people  working  on  these  new
        technicians will also be in                                             aircraft never use manuals – it is all done
        great demand                                                            by  using  a  notebook  [computer],  which
                                                                                in real life is often plugged in to make a
                                                                                diagnosis, as well as offer help with the
                                                                                electronic manual.”
                                                                                   each technician training workstation
                                                                                has  two  flat  screen  panels  which  the
                                                                                trainee  can  navigate  in  3d,  allowing
                                                                                them to look at rendered sections of the
                                                                                aircraft in real time. Most classes are full
                                                                                to  capacity,  with  16  students  taking  an
                                                                                average 30-day course to bring them up
                                                                                to currency on a new aircraft type. it’s like
                                                                                a full action video game, but the player
                                                                                is  servicing  a  turbofan  or  a  cargo  door
                                                                                instead of shooting baddies.

                                                                                Over  in  the  simulator  room,  a  huge
                                                                                hangar-like  structure  with  seven  fully
                                                                                equipped  active  flight  simulators  all
                                                                                working  simultaneously,  the  action
                                                                                is  even  more  intense.  each  simulator
                                                                                costs  around  us$10—15  million,  and
                                                                                most are in use 20 hours a day to extract
                                                                                maximum  return.  the  btFss  retains  a
                                                                                staff  of  16  technicians  just  to  maintain
        Demand for both pilots and technicians is set to soar, according to Boeing’s latest   the  simulators,  working  20  hours  every
        2012 survey predictions                                                 day. “they never rest,” grins curtin. the
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