Page 37 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 37


          First Lineage 1000 jet
          takes flight in China

          A Lineage 1000 ultra-large executive jet
          has  recently  been  delivered  to  China’s
          Xinjiang  Guanghui  Industry  Investment
          Group, the first of this line of aircraft to
          go to a mainland China customer. “We
          welcome Xinjiang Guanghui Group to join
          Embraer’s increasing customer base in
          China,” said Guan Dongyuan, President
          of Embraer China. “We believe that the   HKBAC’s third hangar boosts
          Lineage 1000, the flagship of Embraer
          executive jets portfolio, will be the ideal   hangar capacity by 55%
          business partner for our new customer   The  opening  of  a  third  hangar  at  the   more jets and offer maintenance inside.
          by  increasing  the  productivity  of  their   Hong  Kong  Business  Aviation  Centre   According  to  the  press  release,  HKBAC
          daily  operations,  while  offering  them   (HKBAC)  in  May  this  year  was  said  to   Chairman Tony Miller said that the third
          the ultimate comfort in travelling.”     have boosted the city’s business aviation   hangar was the latest investment by the
                                             hangar  capacity  by  55%.  According  to   company  to  meet  the  rapidly  growing
          Embraer                            Sun  Hung  Kai  Properties,  which  owns   demand  for  business  aviation  in  Hong
          sees                               35% of HKBAC, the 4,000-square-metre   Kong, and reinforce city’s position as the
                                                                               business aviation hub of Asia.
                                             hangar  will  allow  HKBAC  to  house  six
          in India
          Embraer SA said it
          expects the Indian
          executive   jet
          market to account
          for  the  bulk  of  deliveries  in  South
          Asia  over  the  next  decade.  “Embraer
          forecasts  deliveries  of  about  US$205
          billion, corresponding to approximately
          8,660  units,  worth  of  executive  jets  to
          be  delivered  globally  in  the  next  10
          years.  This  includes  executive  aircraft   Air New Zealand’s Beech 1900D
          produced  by  all  manufacturers,”  Jose
          Eduardo  Costas,  VP  of  Marketing  and   planes grounded
          Sales for Embraer Executive Jets, Asia   Fourteen  of  Air  New  Zealand’s  Beech   remaining planes will return to service.
          Pacific  said  in  a  Press  Trust  of  India   1900D turboprops have been grounded   When  the  fleet  was  grounded,  Eagle
          interview. He added that of that amount,   due  to  hairline  cracks  discovered  in   Airways GM Carrie Hurihanganui said,
          Embraer  estimates  South  Asia  will   the  tail  sections  of  the  planes.  Only   “We  apologise  to  customers  for  the
          receive around US$10 billion to US$12   four  of  the  aircraft  have  been  cleared   inevitable  inconvenience  caused  by
          billion,  roughly  390  to  485  units,  of   for  flight  at  the  time  of  writing,  and   undertaking  a  full  check  of  our  fleet.
          executive aircraft deliveries, with India   have  resumed  service  with  Air  New   However, the safety of our customers,
          expected to make up the bulk of forecast   Zealand’s  subsidiary,  Eagle  Airways.   our staff and our aircraft is paramount
          deliveries for that region.        At present it is unclear as to when the   and non-negotiable for the airline.”

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