Page 32 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 32



                                                                                Helicopter travel in
                                                                                the Northeast USA
                                                                                made easy

                                                                                Earlier  this  year,  the  Associated
                                                                                Aircraft  Group  (AAG)  introduced  the
                                                                                AAG  Excalibur  Card,  a  pre-paid  flight
                                                                                card  programme  that  AAG  says  allows
                                                                                wielders to pay only for occupied flight
                                                                                units  in  its  Sikorsky  S-76  executive
                                                                                helicopter   fleet.   AAG   President
                                                                                Scott  Ashton  described  the  card  as
                                                                                a  breakthrough  innovation  for  the
                                                                                travelling executive. “The AAG Excalibur
                                                                                Card  provides  users  with  flexibility,
                                                                                occupied hour pricing, and access to the
                                                                                newest fleet of S-76C helicopters in the
                                                                                Northeast [US],” he said.

          Bell and Cessna open Asia-Pacific service
          facility in Singapore

          Bell Helicopter and Cessna Aircraft Company have announced the opening of a new
          regional service centre in Singapore at Seletar Aerospace Park. According to the press
          release, the facility aims to provide customers a one-stop shop for comprehensive
          repair, completion, fulfilment, maintenance and customisation solutions. The almost
          15,000-square-metre centre has hangars for both Bell Helicopter and Cessna craft,
          in addition to a paint booth, warehouse, overhaul and maintenance shops, offices and
          ramp. “The grand opening of our Asia-Pacific service centre brings to life a vision of   Sikorsky S-92
          providing exceptional support to our current and future customers in this important   obtains FAA
          growth region,” said John L. Garrison, president and CEO of Bell Helicopter. “It is   certification for Sea
          the result of years of planning for an increased presence in Asia-Pacific that is a key
          market for both Bell Helicopter and Cessna.”                          State 6 conditions
                                                                                The  FAA  recently  approved  Sea  State
                                                                                6  certification  for  Sikorsky’s  S-92
                                             Russian-made                       helicopter,   completing   the   S-92A
                                             helicopters get new                emergency  flotation  system  sea  state
                                             avionics system                    expansion.  “Many  of  our  operators,
                                                                                particularly those in the North Sea and
                                             Russian Helicopters announced earlier   Canadian  waters,  require  certification
                                             this year that a system to help monitor   higher than Sea State 4 because of the
                                             flight conditions, autopilot landing and   winter conditions they face,” said Peter
                                             collision  avoidance  will  be  installed   Barner,  lead  landing  gear  designer
                                             on  all  new  helicopters  they  produce,   for  the  S-92  helicopter.  “Now,  despite
                                             beginning  in  2015.  According  to   very  severe  weather  conditions,  even
                                             Russian  Helicopters,  the  new  avionics   more critical offshore oil missions and
                                             system  could  potentially  even  allow   search-and-rescue   operations   can
                                             the  helicopter  to  automatically  select   be  performed  with  great  confidence
                                             an  unprepared  landing  site  in  an   [thanks  to  the  new  certification].”
                                             emergency,  by  updating  and  refining   Sikorsky  says  it  expects  certification
                                             cartographical information.        from Transport Canada soon.

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