Page 6 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 6
Etihad-airberlin alliance
exceeds expectations
The alliance between airberlin and
Etihad Airways has allowed the
carriers to deliver more than 300,000
passengers onto each other’s networks
and generate over €100 million in
additional revenues. It has also resulted
First Trent Aero engine made in Singapore delivered in a combined network of more than
239 destinations, and multimillion-
Rolls-Royce has delivered the first Trent 900 aero engine produced in Singapore, dollar savings. airberlin CEO Hartmut
an achievement that Paul O’Neil, Director of Rolls-Royce’s Seletar Campus dubbed Mehdorn noted, “With more than
“a significant milestone”. In addition, he said, “It represents a huge collaborative 219,000 additional guests for airberlin
effort with colleagues in the UK supporting our team here to ensure that the engine, coming from our cooperation we have
produced to our exacting standards, was delivered on time.” generated additional revenues around
€50 million.” Etihad Airways CEO James
Hogan added, “Through revenues
generated, and cost-saving initiatives,
Etihad Airways has already recouped its
initial investment of US$105 million.”
STAA trains pilots for
Xiamen Airlines
ST Aerospace Academy (STAA), the
commercial pilot training business
Boeing and BMw Group dXB forecasts 66 million of ST Engineering’s aerospace arm,
recycle carbon fibre passengers in 2013 has been awarded a contract to train
pilots for Xiamen Airlines. The first
Boeing and the BMW Group have Dubai International Airport (DXB), batch of 30 cadets is expected to begin
agreed to participate in joint research reportedly the fourth busiest hub for their 60-week training in March 2013,
on carbon fibre recycling and share international passengers, is expected at STAA’s flying school in Ballarat,
knowledge about carbon fibre materials to observe passenger traffic of 66 Australia. They are scheduled to
and manufacturing. The companies will million in 2013, said its operator, Dubai graduate in April 2014. According to
also share carbon fibre manufacturing Airports. Paul Griffiths, CEO of Dubai ST Engineering, STAA’s programme
process simulations and ideas for Airports said, “We are very glad with allows cadet pilots the chance to gain
manufacturing automation. BMW the traffic growth [in 2012], taking us real-life experience communicating
AG for Development Board Member closer to operating Dubai International with air traffic controllers from different
Herbert Diess said, “Through this at full capacity. It is no coincidence that countries, and flying in a variety of
cooperation, we can merge know-how Concourse A (the A380 facility) will open weather conditions and terrain. “This
between our industries in the field in early 2013 providing much-needed contract demonstrates Xiamen Airlines’
of sustainable production solutions.” capacity.” Concourse A is expected to confidence in STAA’s programmes
Boeing and BMW are both using carbon increase DXB’s passenger capacity from and capabilities,” said Peh Teng Keng,
fibre in their products. 60 million to 75 million when it opens. STAA’s President.