Page 8 - AAA JANUARY- FEBRUARY 2013 Online Magazine
P. 8


                                                                                SilkAir finalises order
                                                                                for 54 737s
                                                                                Boeing and SilkAir have finalised an
                                                                                order for 23 737-800s and 31 737 MAX
                                                                                8s, a deal worth US$4.9 billion at list
                                                                                prices, the largest order in the airline’s
                                                                                history. The deal also marks the start
          Boeing helps send relief to Bangladesh                                of SilkAir’s fleet transition to Boeing
          Boeing, Emirates and a non-profit   kilograms of gently used winter clothing   airplanes. “The capability of the 737s
          organisation called SpaandanB have   and books. “The Boeing Bangladeshi   will enable us to spread our wings to
          cooperated to transport relief supplies   employees are grateful to Boeing and   even more destinations and increase
          to people in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi   Emirates for transporting the relief goods   capacity on existing routes,” said SilkAir
          employees at Boeing, working on behalf   to help people in Bangladesh,” said Syed   CEO Leslie Thng.
          of SpaandanB, volunteered and collected   Hussain, a Boeing employee who is part
          901 boxes of supplies comprising 10,455   of the 787 programme.

                                   AirAsia first to operate
                                   Sharklet-equipped A320

                                   Airbus has delivered the first A320 outfitted with
                                   Sharklets to AirAsia, making the airline the first
                                   operator of the new fuel-saving wing-tip devices.
                                   Made  of lightweight  composites,  Sharklets  are an
                                   option on new-build A320 Family aircraft, and are   ATR launches Singapore
                                   standard  on  all  members  of  the  A320neo  Family.
                                   “We are extremely proud to be the first airline in the   Training Centre
                                   world to take delivery of an A320 fitted with Airbus’   ATR has inaugurated its new Training
                                   new, fuel-saving Sharklets,” said Tony Fernandes,   Centre  in  Singapore,  housed  in
                                   Group CEO of AirAsia.                        Seletar Aerospace Park. Meant for
                                                                                both commercial aircraft pilots and
          Embraer Legacy 500                 ARINC to maintain                  maintenance crew, the centre has the
                                                                                capacity to train over 600 people a year,
          takes to the air                   Centrair systems                   and has been certified by the European
          Embraer’s Legacy 500 has made is   Central Japan International Airport   Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The
          successful first flight, marking the start   (Centrair) has awarded a contract to   facility  includes  a  new  Full  Flight
          of its flight testing. A crew of two test   ARINC for maintenance of the airport’s   Simulator that allows training for both
          pilots and two flight test engineers flew   passenger and check-in systems. These   ATR  42-600s  and  ATR-72-600s,  and  an
          the aircraft for an hour and 45 minutes,   include ARINC’s vMUSE system for   integrated suite of flight training devices.
          evaluating handling and performance   check-in and departure, and BagLink   “We are pleased to expand our presence
          characteristics. One of the pilots said   baggage messaging technology. Jim L.   with this  new  training  facility  focused
          afterwards, “The flight was a success,   Martin, MD of ARINC Asia Pacific said,   on the rapidly growing regional carrier
          precisely  according  to  plan.  In  fact,  it   “It is an honour to be given the vote of   market in Southeast Asia,” said Filippo
          was flawless.” Deliveries of the Legacy   confidence by Centrair to help maintain   Bagnato, ATR’s CEO, adding, “The aim is
          500 are expected to begin in 2014.   the airport’s technologies.”     to be always closer to our customers.”

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