Page 19 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 19


                        In partnership
                        with the ACT
                        Canberra Airport
                        has invested in a
                        major upgrade of
                        the arterial road
            system servicing the airport, such
            that it now has road connections
            to the CBD that are unrivalled
            in Australia. The Airport is also
            located at the intersection of
            national highways linking it
            with Sydney, Melbourne and the
            Monaro region of south-eastern
            Australia. It is also set to become
            a key node in Government’s plan
            to introduce light rail and high
            speed rail links.

        Expansion                           and designed, can be delivered in 12   international carriers servicing Canberra
        The   airport  handled  approximately  months or less, and will not cause major   Airport,” says Byron.
        3million passengers in 2012/2013 when   disruption to ongoing operation of the new   The attention to detail and forward-
        terminal  infrastructure proved to be  a   terminal – this level of capability and the   looking management extends to the
        constraint.  Now, following completion   way it can be delivered is unique.”  staff too. As Byron point out, having the
        of the airport’s new terminal, the airport   A total of AUD$480 million has   right  team  is  paramount.  “Canberra
        can accommodate an annual 12 million   been spent redeveloping the terminal   Airport invests heavily in the structure,
        domestic and international passengers   infrastructure. This includes new arterial   recruitment and training of its teams,”
        each year. This capability is underpinned   and  precinct  roads,  new  car  parks,  and   she says. “The quality of this investment
        by the Airvolution design’s commitment   an integrated domestic and international   was recognised as part of Canberra
        future expansion.                   terminal building. Outside, new aircraft   Airport being awarded Australian Capital
           “In  terms  of  capability,  check-in   parking aprons and the 3300m main   City Airport of the Year in 2013.”
        counters can increase by 175% to 44 in   runway are now fully capable of handling   As part of this integrated HR approach,
        total, contact gates can increase 10 from   large wide-body aircraft operations.   terminal staff have been reengaged in a
        to 22, the baggage system can more than   The associated taxiway and apron   targeted customer service improvement
        double, and car parks can increase from   infrastructure has similar capability,   program;  part of  the AirVolution  project.
        3,500 to more than 8,000,” explains Byron.     which with an absence of slot restrictions   Terminal staff now wear green uniforms,
        More, the plan allows for additional road   and a  curfew-free status  means  that   a subtle yet recognisable colour which
        lanes  and set  down areas too, he  says.   Canberra Airport is free of the restrictions   signals a point for information and
        “This capability to increase capacity   that plague many Australian airports.   assistance for passengers. Underscoring
        may not be unique, but the ability to do   “Importantly, the unrestricted nature of   this, green is also used in directional
        so without major disruption and rework   the airport infrastructure is matched with   signage and at service points. Airport
        is unique,” he says. “Each of these   a largely unrestricted air rights package   staff  have  their  uniforms  emblazoned
        additions to capacity has been planned   offered  by  Australian  Government  for   with ‘Here to Help’ across the shoulders

                                Canberra is a world class destination in its own right. It
                            has unique attractions and experiences that set it apart from
                            other australian destinations. Where else can you experience
                            the australian bush, beaches and snow on your doorstep!

                            - MD Stephen Byron
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                            NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2013  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  19
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