Page 23 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 23


                                                                         a typical turbofan gives
                                                                     a passenger/kilometre fuel
                                                                     economy about the same as a
                                                                     car with four passengers

                                                                               Rolls-Royce Trent 1000
                                                                               (courtesy of Rolls-Royce)

        on keeping the wheels (or fans) turning is   Royce engines in flight each day.  Staff   in 2030 will be 15-20% more fuel-efficient
        undeniable.                         constantly  analyse  each  engine’s  than similar engines are today. As Rolls-
           Rolls-Royce says it has improved   performance and use accumulated fleet   Royce’s Doherty  puts it, the savings will
        reliability by a factor of three since the year   data to  plan  maintenance  activities  in   translate into real savings. “Engines of
        2000, as a result of sophisticated monitoring   advance, maximising aircraft availability   the  future  will  contain  more  lightweight
        systems built in to the units. “Engines   and preventing service disruption. This   composite  material,  such  as  fan  blades.
        are supported by ever more sophisticated   means that if a part is approaching its   These blades, combined with a composite
        Engine Health Monitoring (EHM) systems   service limit, a spare can be flown to the   containment system, will reduce the
        and a 24/7 team of engineers analysing on-  nearest appropriate MRO centre to keep   weight of each fan module by 350kg – the
        wing performance,” notes Doherty. He says   downtime  to  an  absolute  minimum.  But   equivalent of eight average passengers on
        the company uses EHM as a feedback loop   just  as  importantly,  EHM  helps  predict   a twin-engine aircraft,” he says.
        to track the performance of thousands of   possible events, averting potentially costly
        engines operating around the world, using   or significant technical issues, as well as   Material advantage
        onboard sensors and live satellite feeds.   giving guidelines for possible upgrades or   Composite materials also feature heavily
           “Engineers monitor some 5.5million   redesigns that would improve operational   in the research projections of US-based
        flights every year from our operations   efficiency.                   manufacturer CFM. They are working
        centres  in  the  United  Kingdom,  United   As this ongoing refinement process   on sophisticated composites that enable
        States and Germany,” he explains. The   continues, the designs of modern engines   higher  temperatures  together  with
        operations centre in Derby (United   are improving overall operating efficiency   higher reliability and lower weight – all
        Kingdom) monitors and analyses more   by approximately 1% every year. So   key design parameters in the search for
        than 50,000 hours  of data from Rolls-  theoretically, engines being fitted to aircraft   greater fuel efficiency. But a search that is
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