Page 15 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2014 Online Magazine
P. 15


           Ramadorai says the partnership with
        RUAG Aviation “will be of significant
        importance to the Indian armed forces in   TAL MAKES FLOOR BEAM          without the support of the
                                                                                 Boeing Team. We will accelerate
        their desire to produce products locally.”  FOR BOEING 787               production to meet Boeing
           India’s newly elected Prime Minister    TAL Manufacturing Solutions   requirements and are committed
        Narendra  Modi  has  already  pitched  for   Ltd. (TAL), a Tata enterprise and a   to create a center of excellence
                                                wholly-owned subsidiary of Tata
        making the country self-reliant in the   Motors, celebrated delivery of its   for aerospace in India backed by
        manufacturing of defense products.     first advanced composite floor    world-class facilities, proficient
           The RUAG project is the fourth Aero-  beam (ACFB) for the Boeing 787-9   people and global best practices.”
        structure unit to be set up by TASL     Dreamliner to Boeing. The ACFB   “Manufacturing composites
        since 2009 in Hyderabad. The TASL has   was produced in collaboration    for aerospace is a complex,
        already set up 100% export-dedicated    with Boeing by TAL at its dedicated   demanding process,” said Kent
                                                                                 Fisher, Vice President and
        joint ventures with Sikorsky, which has   world-class facility in MIHAN SEZ   General Manager of BCA Supplier
        indigenized the production of S-92 cabins,   in Nagpur.                  Management. “We are pleased
        and Lockheed Martin for manufacturing   This is a major milestone in TAL’s   with the progress TAL has made in
                                               progression towards world class
        empennage and center-wing box for the   cost-effective offerings in the   such a short period of time”.
        C-130 J aircraft.                      aerospace market.                 In less than five years, TAL has
           RUAG re-launched the Dornier 228 in   Boeing India - President,  Pratyush   transformed a green field site at
        2010 after upgrading its engine, cockpit   Kumar called it a major milestone   MIHAN, SEZ into an aerospace
        and onboard electronic systems, and    not just for Boeing and TAL but   manufacturing facility, building
        fitting it with a five-blade propeller made   also for India. “This is not just any   sophisticated aero structures. It
                                                                                 has also created employment
        of composite material.                 part,” Kumar said, “It represents a   opportunities for more than
           State-owned  aerospace  company      highly advanced form of composite   200 persons – with a potential
        Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. also currently   manufacturing that enhances   for many more. Now, TAL is
                                                India’s stature in the global
        manufactures the fuselage, wings and tail   supply chain network of Boeing.   positioned to methodically ramp
        unit of the light transport aircraft, which   This is an excellent example of   up production for 787-9 floor
        can carry two crew members and 15-19    India bringing productivity and   beams that are shipped to Boeing
        passengers, at its production facility in   competitiveness to Boeing, and   partners in Italy, Japan and the
        the northern city of Kanpur.            Boeing bringing cutting-edge     United States.
           Referring to its arrangement with    technology to India – a truly win-  With a state-of-the-art facility
        the Tata group, Martin Bühlmann, vice-  win partnership.”                and capability of manufacturing
                                                                                 precision, high quality and cost
        president of supply chain management   “We are proud of achieving this   effective aerospace components,
        at RUAG, says that his company found the   milestone,” said  Rajesh Khatri,   TAL is set to foray its presence in
                                                Executive Director & CEO, TAL.
        “right partner for the future of the RUAG   “This would not have been possible   the global aerospace domain.
        Dornier 228 program.”
           “We found a strong partner in Tata for
        the backbone of the airplane—fuselage
        and wing,” Bühlmann adds.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 JULY / AUGUST 2014  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  15
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