Page 10 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2014 Online Magazine
P. 10
Picture Perfect!
Airbus Group Innovations Over the Last Few Years
on enTry inTo service e-fan will concept to meet Flightpath 2050 goals.
be capable of an hour of flight and initially These are very challenging goals as we
supporting pilot training. Sebastien Remy, have to reduce; C02, NOx and noise, so our
Head Airbus Group Innovations talks concept will have to be very unique. Our
about the latest developments that have ambition is that the ZEHST will be able to
emerged from Airbus Group innovations undertake the journey from Los Angeles
over the last few years, in an exclusive to Tokyo in 3 hours (12 hours currently)
interview with AAA’s A.K. Chandra. while respecting Flightpath 2050 goals.
Excerpts: We would require a unique propulsion
system; Turbofan for low speeds and also
Could you please provide an insight to meet noise limitations and then rocket
into the ZEHST high speed transport engines and finally ram jets. These
concept and how it is different from different forms of propulsion systems, of
similar concepts in the past? course, bring their own set of challenges:
The name Zero Emission High Speed how do you manage the transition from
Transport (ZEHST) describes aptly the turbofan engine operation to the phase Sebastien Remy, Head
goal that we want to achieve using the that uses the rocket engine and finally Airbus Group Innovations
concept of HST. The speed will not be the ramjet engine operation? Being a
different but we are trying to develop the civilian aircraft we need to guarantee the