Page 30 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
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        Power Packed                        boasts the most intuitive and user-friendly   to the company’s PC-21 advanced military
        Powered by two Williams  International   cockpit concepts ever seen in business   trainer, it will have a low-drag airfoil that
        FJ44-4A turbofan engines producing a   aviation.                        was developed in-house. The PC-24 will
        max take-off thrust of 3,400 lbf, the PC-  Four  12-inch  screens  ensure  that  all   be capable of both high-altitude, high-
        24 is predicted to have a top speed of   relevant information is displayed in the   speed cruise and fitted with dual-wheel
        approximately 787 km/h. Maximum range   right place and with no delay. The Inertial   main gear with low-pressure tires and
        with six passengers (1,200 lb payload) is   Reference  System  (IRS)  guarantees   anti-skid brakes.
        stated to be 3,330 km.              excellent reliability and accuracy of    “This is the only aircraft combining the
           “We chose the FJ44-4A as it delivers   altitude and navigation data. As standard   versatility of a turboprop with the cabin size
        ample  power  to  support  the  PC-24’s   equipment, the Pilatus ACE also includes   of a medium-light jet, and the performance
        excellent field performance and enables   a Synthetic Vision System, Autothrottle,   of a light jet. It’s a plane that simply doesn’t
        a direct climb to the PC-24’s operational   Graphical Flight Planning, Traffic Collision   fit  into  any  of  the  existing  business  jet
        ceiling. But we wouldn’t be Pilatus if we   Avoidance System (TCAS II), and Localizer   categories. That’s why we had to create this
        simply  settled  there  –  we  wanted  to  go   Performance with Vertical (LPV) guidance   new aircraft,” Schwenk says.
        further. The all new PC-24’s unique Quiet   capability.                   Pilatus’s first ever business jet has taken
        Power Mode provides quiet, economical   “We developed Pilatus ACE in    a while in coming and hopes to follow on the
        energy  to  power  electrical  systems  –   partnership  with  Honeywell,  whose  footsteps of the successful PC-12 turboprop
        including heating and air-conditioning   products have a proven track record in   which has sold over 1,200 aircraft till date.
        –  independent of  any  source of  ground   much larger aircraft,” Schwenk says.  As Schwenk says, “everything can be sold,
        power.....An APU without an APU. These                                  but certain things are very hot to sell.”
        innovations  offer  more  operational  Want to Carry Your Harley?
        flexibility  and  higher  fuel  efficiency.  Or   PC-24 can claim to be the first business
        to  put  it  simply:  maximum  versatility,”   jet with a standard pallet-sized cargo
        Schwenk says.                       door. “Some of our PC-12 customers have
                                            been known to take their motorbike with
        Pilot’s Place                       them. Now they can do that at jet speed,”
        All  Pilatus  aircraft  are  certified  for   Schwenk says.
        single-pilot operation. And the PC-24 is   The newest Pilatus is the firm’s first
        no exception to this rule. The PC-24’s   production twin, and a twin turbofan at   On Aug. 1, a team of 24 horses
        Advanced Cockpit Environment (ACE) sets   that. High-strength aluminum alloys will   pulled the first prototype out of
        the standard for high-tech simplicity. It   be used for the primary airframe. Similar   the production halls
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