Page 33 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 33
AFI KLM E&M Awarded
EASA Certification For GEnx
The GEnx new-generation powerplant
that will equip the AIR FRANCE KLM
fleet of Boeing 787s from the end of SriLankan Airlines Flies First Fully-Connected Aircraft
next year represents another step SriLankan Airlines’ first fully-connected to browse the web. The combination of
towards the future in MRO terms. A330-300 entered commercial service Wi-Fi and mobile phone connectivity
AFI KLM E&M teams will be capable on November 9. It is equipped with both allows passengers to take a flight
for maintenance, repair and overhaul at Internet OnAir and Mobile OnAir. without missing a beat.
its Schiphol engine shop. As first step, Passengers on board the delivery “We are gearing-up SriLankan to
AFI KLM E&M has obtained its first flight from Toulouse to Colombo, meet the challenges and ever-growing
Quick Turn (QT) capability in October. including SriLankan Airlines’ Chief demands of the global travel industry,”
Final testing will be carried out Marketing Officer, G. T. Jeyaseelan, all said SriLankan Airlines’ Chief Marketing
at AFI KLM E&M’s test cell in Paris, made special mention of the aircraft’s Officer, G. T. Jeyaseelan. “Our new fleet
the only one in Europe to be approved inflight connectivity. is giving us the opportunity to introduce
besides General Electric’s own. Once they’ve tweeted from 35,000 innovative products and services to
AFI KLM E&M’s GEnx expertise will also feet and told their friends on Facebook enhance the passenger experience.
cover engine component requirements, that they’re chatting to them live from Providing mobile phone and Internet
through its CRMA subsidiary and AFI KLM an aircraft, passengers can knuckle connectivity is a very important element
E&M’s repair centres of excellence in down to send emails or simply continue of our superior offering.”
Amsterdam and Paris.
On the strength of these combined
capabilities in its global MRO The Hong Kong headquarters joins
network, AFI KLM E&M can provide the American, African and Middle East
comprehensive, effective engine headquarters to become UAS’ fourth
support solutions to fully satisfy its global headquarters.
clients’ expectations. Like its overseas counterparts, the
EASA certification is a key stage, Hong Kong headquarters will have a
successfully completed by AFI full in-house operations team available
KLM E&M. The Group is dedicated 24/7, 365 days a year which aims to
to maintaining the highest quality UAS Opens Asian HQ, Beijing offer an exceptional standard of trip
standards and optimum efficiency in all Regional Office support and planning to its clients.
its products and services. UAS International Trip Support This operations team acts as an
“We are especially proud of continues its 2014 expansion and extension of client’s flight departments.
obtaining EASA approval so speedily,” growth with the opening of two new Mohammed Husary, UAS Executive
said Franck Terner, Executive offices. The first of which is an Asia President said “Hong Kong was an
Vice-President AIR FRANCE KLM Pacific Headquarters in Hong Kong and obvious choice for a number of reasons
Engineering & Maintenance, “It is all secondly a Regional Office in Beijing. not least its strategic location with
the more important as there will be The opening of these offices is a clear fantastic accessibility. The Hong
very few centres approved to handle demonstration of UAS’ recognition of Kong headquarters enables us to have
GEnx engines. the importance of the Asian market. greater coverage in the entire Asia.