Page 4 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 4
THE AEriAl viEw
Step in the Right Direction Editor
Vittorio Rossi Prudente
India takes a step, which could be a leap, towards making civil aviation a vibrant Associate Editor
sector in the country. To enable the industry rise to its full potential, Civil Jay Menon
Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati on November 10 released a
Draft Civil Aviation Policy, which is expected to be in place by January 2015. Operations Director
Siva Sachi
The draft has been released for consultation with public and stakeholders,
after which six to seven groups of experts will be constituted to interact Art Director
with stakeholders and review the inputs received during the process. Arthur Chan
Compared with the existing Civil Aviation Policy, the new
one “aims to develop a transparent policy in which regulations Web Director
Elmer Valencia
for the civil aviation sector will be more meaningful”.
Circulation Manager
Salient features of the draft, in terms of better services and conveniences Khairul Naem
to flyers, include designing of airports as integrated multi-modal hubs, so
that they provide the best possible service levels as well as potential for
growth. An integrated multi-modal hub should include rail, metro, bus ADvERTISINg CONTACTS:
and truck connectivity as well as accommodation and other services.
Europe – Canada and all other countries:
Global Communications sas
While developing airports, it is equally essential to ensure that related sectors
such as access to manufacture, business, tourism and pilgrim centres are Tel: +39 049 723548
developed. The draft policy addresses that. Moreover, it says that in the USA & Canada
future a “hub-and-spoke” model will be followed, which will also facilitate Contact: Josh Mayer
the development of regional networks and air connectivity as a whole. Tel : +1 972 816-6745 Fax : +1 972 767 4442
Email :
The draft puts emphasis on rationalising the cost of Aviation Turbine Fuel. Contact: Tamir Eshel
Due to high rates of taxes, the cost of ATF in India is up to 45 per cent Tel : + 972 544 508 028 / +972 989 117 92
higher than the international costs. Regarding development of the cargo Fax : +972 989 199 65
Email :
sector, the government proposes to substantially develop the transport
of cargo by air for which there is considerable potential. For this air China
Contact: Xu Yixin 徐一新
freight stations should be developed in different parts of the country to Mob: +8613811688955
streamline Customs clearance and to reduce congestion at the airports. Tel: 86-10-58354055 / Fax: 86-10-84043033
E-mail :
As institutional reforms, a future roadmap for Air India will be developed and
Airports Authority of India will be corporatised, followed by listing in the Stock
Exchanges. This will certainly help in improving efficiency and transparency.
The draft appears to be a step in the right direction. Albeit, it talks of global Business Press Pte. Ltd.
various ideas that have been discussed in the past, it will be beneficial ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS
Level 34, Centennial Tower,
only if formalized and implemented in a time bound manner. 3 Temasek Avenue, Singapore 039190.
Tel: +65 6549 7706 Fax : +65 6549 7011
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Associate Editor
ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS is a monthly publication for
professionals working in all sectors of the airline, airport and related
industries. Opinions expressed by contributors in ASIAN AIRLINES &
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