Page 9 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Online Magazine
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        FOR  AVIATION  INDUSTRY  IN CHINA,   aircraft).  In  the  20  year  period  between   China Second Only to the U.S.
        things  are literally looking up. Since   2014 to 2033 Airbus forecasts a demand in   China is now second only to America in
        Beijing announced the start of a new   China for more than 5,300 aircraft.   domestic air travel with a 14.7% growth
        framework to cultivate new airlines and   “Today more than 900 in service A320   in June as compared to the previous year.
        specifically low cost carriers (LCCs) in   Family aircraft operate with 16 Chinese   With a huge rise in the middle class,
        2013, there has been a rush of start-up   carriers and over 190 A320 Family aircraft   Chinese air carriers are striving to fill the
        activity.                           have been assembled and delivered from   demand for more flights. The local airlines
           The number of new passenger airlines   the FALC in Tianjin,” said Fabrice Brégier,   currently have 800 commercial airliners
        that have recently launched, plan to or are   Airbus President and CEO.  on order --a 38 per cent  increase from its
        in formation has reached 19, according   Recently, China Aviation Supplies   current stockpile.
        to CAPA’s compilation based on public   Holding Company (CAS) and Airbus have   “The Chinese air travel market, as
        statements.                         signed  a  general  terms  agreement  for   measured by revenue passenger kilometres,
           Airlines and operators based in China   the purchase of a total of 70 Airbus A320   is only about half as large as the U.S. and
        are projected to require 6,020 new aircraft   Family aircraft, reflecting the strong   Canada’s combined,” Tinseth said.
        worth $870 billion over the next two   demand from Chinese carriers for
        decades, according to the latest annual   the leading Airbus single-aisle Family   Start-Ups
        China Current Market Outlook (CMO) from   for  domestic,  low  cost,  regional  and   The rising demand has resulted in aircraft
        Boeing.  Nearly three-fourth of the 6,020   international operations.   manufacturers circling the skies of China,
        airplane deliveries in China over the next                              and business houses starting new low-
        20 years will be single-aisle 90-230 seat  Challenge to Boeing, Airbus  cost and regional carriers.
        passenger airplanes, Boeing predicted.   But the market share of both Boeing and   Two budget carriers, including a
        In this segment, Boeing has its highly   Airbus in China is likely to see a greater   subsidiary  of China Eastern Airlines,
        successful 737 series.              challenge in the coming years, especially   began operations this year and over 100
           The U.S.-based commercial airframe   from China’s state-run Commercial   general aviation companies are lining up
        manufacturer has already received 13%   Aircraft  Corp  of  China  (Comac)  which  is   for registration.
        more orders from China through the first   developing a single-aisle C919 airplane.   According to CAPA, new airlines
        eight months of 2014 than all of last year.   Comac said it has received orders for   have made known their intent to launch,
        This equals to 260 aircraft ordered so far   30 of its C919 planes — a narrow-body   while none have been known to publicly
        in 2014,  compared  to 230 for all of  last   with 158-168 seats — as well as 20 of its   withdraw. At least six airlines have so far
        year, said Randy Tinseth, vice president   78-90 seat  ARJ21 regional jets, both of   launched in the past year while others are
        of marketing for Boeing’s commercial   which have yet to enter full commercial   hoping to launch by the year end or early
        aircraft division.                  production.                         next year.
           “China’s aviation market is going   Comac  is  also  reportedly  seeking
        through dynamic changes...New business   suppliers to build a new wide-body
        models like low-cost carriers and airplane   passenger plane, the C929, over the next
        leasing companies, a new generation   decade, expanding its ambitions and
        of fuel-efficient airplanes, and evolving   rivalry with Boeing and Airbus.
        consumer needs are driving demand for   Global regional airplane makers
        more direct flights to more destinations,”   such  as  Bombardier  and  Embraer  are
        Tinseth said.                       also building larger aircraft to enter the
           The latest 20-year outlook for China   market segments.
        is eight per cent higher than the forecast   According to Embraer officials, its
        released by Boeing in 2013.  Boeing claims   second generation of E-jet, which is
        that currently it manufactures more than   being designed to seat more than 110
        50 per cent of in-service aircraft in China.   passengers, will enter service in 2018.
           However,  rival  Airbus  is  set  to  give   Similarly, Bombardier, with its new
        tough competition with the re-engined   CSeries airplane will give a challenge
        version of its A320 passenger jet coming   to  Boeing’s  737  series  and  Airbus  A320
        into the market at the end of 2015.   Family aircraft.
           The European multinational aircraft   According to observers, airlines will
        maker said, the in-service Airbus fleet   find these new planes from Embraer and
        with Chinese operators at present   Bombardier to be fuel and cost efficient,   In-service Airbus fleet with
        comprises over 1,000 aircraft (around 140   posing a great  challenge to Boeing and   Chinese operators at present
        A330 Family and over 920 A320 Family   Airbus.                          comprises over 1,000 aircraft
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