Page 34 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 34


        INduSTRy NEWS ANd uPdATES

                                                                                Pilatus Ties Up With
                                                                                TASL To Make PC-12 In
                                                                                Swiss airframer Pilatus Aircraft will
                                                                                soon start assembling aero structures
                                                                                of its turbine-powered business aircraft
                                                                                PC-12 NG in India with the help of Tata
          Etihad Airways New Livery                                             Advanced Systems Limited (TASL).
                                                                                India’s TASL has replaced an existing
          For the first time, Etihad Airways   Etihad Airways has firm orders for ten   Pilatus supplier, who was responsible
          unveiled its all-new livery design on its   A380s and will become the 13th operator   for  producing  PC-12  aero  structures
          first Airbus A380 at a special ceremony   of the aircraft. With 318 orders so far by   in Eastern Europe, to be the second
          at the Airbus site in Hamburg, Germany.  19 customers the A380 captures 90 percent   support facility for PC-12 after OGMA
          The airline’s first flagship aircraft will   of the Very Large Aircraft market. To date   œ Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal.
          now go through its final phase of cabin   over 65 million passengers have already   India has been looking at acquiring
          furnishing, followed by ground and   enjoyed the unique experience of flying on   more aircraft from the Swiss aircraft
          flight tests, before being delivered to   board an A380. Every four minutes in the   maker. In 2012, Pilatus Aircraft entered
          the Abu Dhabi based airline towards the   world, an A380 either takes off or lands,   into a contract with the Government of
          end of the year.                  and the network is constantly growing.   India to supply 75 PC-7 MkII turboprop
                                                                                basic trainer aircraft to the Indian Air
                                             financial solutions for the introduction   “The partnership (with TASL) is
                                             of Airbus A320 and the other family of   important in the context of Pilatus’
                                             aircraft to the fleet in the form of sale   offset obligation resulting from the
                                             and lease back or financial lease or   sale of the PC-7 MkII Training Aircraft
                                             commercial lending,” says an IndiGo   System  to  the  Indian  Air  Force,” says
                                             official.                          Markus Bucher, CEO of Pilatus Aircraft
                                                IndiGo already has a relationship   Ltd.
                                             with ICBC, the largest commercial   As per the 10-year contract, TASL will
                                             bank in China. “The agreement reflects   assemble the airframes at its facility in
          IndiGo Inks Deal With              the strong business relations between   Hyderabad, in southern India.
                                                                                The number of airframes manufactured
                                             India & China,” the official adds.
          Chinese Bank                          The announcement coincided with   at  the  TASL  facility  will  be  significant
          Industrial and Commercial Bank of   the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping   and relevant to the current annual
          China Ltd (ICBC) has signed a $2.6   to India in September.           production requirement of the PC-12
          billion deal with India’s low-cost    IndiGo, one of the few profitable   aircraft.
          carrier IndiGo to finance more than 30   airlines in the country, has 81 aircraft   “The first complete PC-12 NG aero
          new aircraft.                      in its fleet at present and majority of   structure is expected  to be delivered
             “Under  the  memorandum    of   them is financed through sale and   during the second half of 2016,” says a
          understanding ICBC will provide IndiGo   leaseback agreements.        spokesman of Pilatus.

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