Page 29 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2014 Online Magazine
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ability to improve organizational efficiency, AAA: Here may I ask whether is designing and supporting the
provide a better passenger experience, the missing MH370 was implementation of a common aircraft
and reduce costs across the board. Our equipped with this product? network across Cathay Pacific’s fleet of
eEnabled Aircraft Solutions positively DiGeorge:Rockwell Collins was not the B777, B747-400F, B747-8, and Airbus
impact every department in the airline network service provider for Malaysian A330 aircraft as well as Dragonair’s
organisation. Airlines. A330 and A320/1 aircraft. This includes
applications and software, hardware,
AAA: Currently to how many airlines AAA: What’s the progress in building solution implementation and support, and
do you provide this service and how the information management services more.
many aircraft have benefitted? unit, following the purchase of ARINC?
DiGeorge: Cathay Pacific is the first DiGeorge: Since the acquisition in AAA: As we understand, apart from
airline to implement our comprehensive December 2013, ARINC has been aircraft, ARINC solutions are also
end-to-end solution across their entire integrated into the Information being provided to airports world-wide,
fleet, beginning with the 777. Several Management Services division of could you throw some light on this?
other airlines have begun their journey Rockwell Collins. Rockwell Collins has DiGeorge: ARINC delivers end-to-end
to full eEnablement, taking advantage of already identified many opportunities for airport technology, which include airport-
components of our solution with an eye IMS to integrate with, support, and expand airline operations, passenger processing,
toward growing into our comprehensive the other divisions of the company and is baggage, security, self serve and managed
and holistic eEnabled programme. growing the IMS division accordingly. services.
AAA: Given the fact that this solution AAA: How do you see the AAA: You also provide alternate Wi-Fi
helps in full-time global air-to- potential for air-to-ground links that enables airlines to create a private
ground data communication, how transforming flight operation with and secure wireless connection for
important is it for airlines to avail new applications and services? the transfer of large files, Right?
this solution, especially after the DiGeorge: With air-to-ground connectivity, DiGeorge: On top of our eEnabled
missing Malaysian Airlines aircraft? airlines can benefit from significant solutions, we also deliver the ARINC
DiGeorge: It has been recognized that improvements in business, operational, Mobile Communications Gateway (MCG)
while the aircraft has numerous voice and passenger experience. One of the managed service, which introduces a
and data link based position reporting significant advantages is that the new portable and secure hotspot with full Wi-Fi
methodologies, the regional Air Navigation generation of aircraft have the potential to capability that enables authorised devices
Service Providers (ANSPs) and the airline produce a huge amount of data, covering to securely communicate with each other
operations centers/flight operations everything to do with the aircraft’s and access the Internet at locations where
centers have limited capabilities to operation. Without an integrated platform Wi-Fi connectivity is unavailable.
provide the desired response. The IATA that enables airlines to manage, process,
Aircraft Tracking Task Force is expected analyze, and make decisions based on this AAA: Could you give us an idea
to deliver their final report to ICAO, and data, airlines will not reap the maximum of the cost factor involved in
this will be a major agenda item at the return on the significant investment spent providing eEnabled solutions?
High-Level Safety Conference to be held on these data-driven aircraft. DiGeorge: Cost considerations are
at ICAO Headquarters in Montreal in different for each airline based on their
early February 2015. While the industry is AAA: How are the tools sold? individual requirements as well as their
prepared to offer alternatives to improve DiGeorge: eEnabled Solutions are unique short- and longer-term needs. Regardless
global aircraft tracking, at Rockwell in that we are not selling a “box” or of whether airlines are taking the first
Collins, we believe any proposal is commercially available product. We are steps toward eEnablement by integrating
premature while requirements are still selling a system that requires a more tablet solutions into the cockpit or are
being established and coordinated with collaborative approach between us and exploring a fully-integrated end-to-end
the global participants. The goal is to the customer to develop the solution that solution, it is imperative that they keep in
describe a performance-based response meets their airlines’ needs AND budget. mind the benefits of eEnablement extend
that is not technology specific. across the organization and will maximize
We can say that on a broader level, AAA: Recently you started implementing their return on investment in ways they
eEnablement encompasses flight fleet-wide eEnabled solution for may not have yet considered.
connectivity that can help pilots to get Cathay Pacific. Could you explain
much better situational awareness. This what exactly the tools are?
can empower them to make decisions for DiGeorge: Working in collaboration
better flight efficiency or passenger safety. with Cathay Pacific, Rockwell Collins