Page 11 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 11


                                               Airbus,  like  all  manufacturers,  is   More effective engine burn designs
                                            looking not just at the obvious – recycling   will help, but  with increasing  number of
                                            materials, energy costs in production,   takeoffs and landings, ATAG says it’s likely
                                            lighter weight for better fuel efficiency   that air quality will become increasingly
                                            and leaner burn engines – it is looking   important  in  framing  proposals  for  new
                                            at the whole lifecycle of its aircraft; from   runways. Already airports in Switzerland,
                                            design to manufacture, in flight operations   Sweden and the UK levy airport emissions
                                            to end-of-life as well as the whole supply   charges and this can only increase - even
                                            chain.  “At each stage in the life of an   if it does not solve the problem.
                                            aircraft we are finding the solutions to   Noise is another perennial environ-
                                            improve environmental performance,”   mental complaint from those who
                                            says Brégier. It’s a big ask, and it covers   live near airports, particularly during
                                            many areas. Let’s look at the key ones.  approach and takeoff when engine noise
                                                                                is greatest, flaps are out and landing gear
                                            Key challenges                      is down. Even though noise levels are
                                            The Air Transport Action Group (ATAG)   today  typically  around  20dB  lower than
                                            is one of the more strident voices on   they were 40 years ago, it is still significant
                                            the environmental front, even though   (up to 140decibels; the usual industrial
                                            it represents many of the implicated   limit is 60-80dB). The problem is that
                                            businesses like manufacturers, operators   the number of air traffic movements has
                                            and airports. It says that although the   significantly increased in recent years, so
                                            industry has made significant efforts to   aircraft noise continues to be a significant
                                            reduce its environmental footprint, further   environmental issue. The main solutions
                                            technological and operational improvements   are to restrict both takeoff power and
                                            are vital to  outweigh growth. It mandates   timings at many airports; noise related
                                            a target of carbon-neutral growth by 2020   charging schemes, night time restrictions
                                            along  with cutting  carbon  dioxide  (CO2)   or even night curfews are now in place at
                                            emissions  by  50% by  2050,  and  has  set   many urban airports and this is only likely
                                            targets  for  noise,  overall  air  quality  and   to increase in coming years, even though
                                            emissions, and the use of biofuels.  manufacturers are working hard to make
                                               Recently,  CO2  has  taken  a  back  seat   engines quieter.
                                            to localised pollutants such as nitrogen   And although less immediately obvious
                                            oxides (NO2  and NO) and particulate   than PM and NO emissions, greenhouse
                                            matter (PM) as a campaign issue. These   gas (GHG) emissions are one of the biggest
                                            are much more damaging to local air   issues. The main GHG is carbon dioxide
                                            quality, and can have immediate effects   (CO2),  a  major  product  of  the  engine
                                            rather than the less accurately definable   combustion cycle. Many governments,
                                            greenhouse gas emissions. Exposure to   especially those in the EU which tried to
                                            dense PM (as seen in Beijing recently)   apply its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS),
                                            can lead to anything from coughing fits,   are attempting to bend the United Nations
                                            irritation  to the respiratory  system  to   Framework Convention on Climate Change
                                            premature deaths in weak residents.   (UNFCC) and the International Civil
                                            Some research indicates that airport-  Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to their will
                                            based NO2 levels may already be beyond   with specific aviation-related regulations
                                            standard ambient air quality as set out by   – but so far with little success. Many
                                            the EU’s 2008/50/EC directive.      developing countries demand the right

             We don’t have all the answers and there are many challenges
        ahead, but we are committed to continuously improve.

        – Fabrice Brégier, CEO Airbus

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