Page 12 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 12


                                            to  follow the bad old systems that first   of food capacity as an argument against
                                            world countries used to employ, in the   that  solution. Some  algae and  enzyme-
                                            interests of developing their economies;   sourced fuel production research is being
                                            an argument that has economic merit if   undertaken, but it is likely to be many
                                            not long term responsibility.       years before these produce viable results
                                               Another hot button of the environmental   – if ever. And beyond the issues simple
                                            lobbies  is  the  use  of  renewable  fuels   thermal efficiency, major challenges still
                                            instead of jet fuel. Drop-in biofuels have   remain in making sure that biofuels are
                                            been successfully tested and are already   cost-effective and don’t wreck engines.
                                            being used for some aircraft. Boeing   One approach put forward by IATA
                                            describes itself as “working furiously   (International Air Transport Association),
                                            with many stakeholders to advance   is to try to get operators to dump
                                            commercialisation of sustainable aviation   what they term ‘marginally compliant
                                            biofuel to support the sustainable growth   aircraft’ – aircraft that go beyond current
                                            of commercial aviation.” Indeed, the   acceptable levels of noise or emissions.
                                            industry as a whole claims it will be using   This recognises that if (like the EU
                                            an impressive 6% biofuel by 2020, but the   ETS  scheme)  it  is  too  rigid,  operators
                                            naysayers point to the excessive takeup   may simply stop operating to a specific

           “Despite all the efforts [it makes]   and operational procedures to   quieter airplane is always a priority,”
            aviation suffers from bad reputation   minimise noise, fuel consumption   he says. “But it is also noteworthy
            and is still considered as the most   and emissions … and to establish   that a fleet of 10 ATR 72s, when
            polluting, eco-unfriendly industry.   constructive dialogues with local   compared to an equivalent-sized
            From there a challenge arises,” says   communities and authorities around   fleet of jets, can save up to 50,000
            Aldo Mucciardi, Secretary General   small remote airfields,” he says.  tons of CO2 per year. In other words,
            at regional turboprop maker ATR.   This push to the less glamorous   it is equivalent to removing almost
            Mucciardi says that the effects of   products – no twin aisles, massive   10,000 cars a year from [the road].”
            a blanket taxing policy by many   LCD screens or geared turbofans   Further to its green push, ATR is also
            governments, and recent market-   for ATR – means they have to push   continuously extending the operating
            driven volatility in fuel have “grown   to the more immediate benefits that   life of its aircraft, to optimise their
            more ever excessive”. He says these   turboprops offer. Mucciardi asserts   utilisation and life cycle. “ATR’s
            are missing the effects and social   that ATR is already a “reference in   current design life is certificated
            benefits of aerial connectivity, such   terms of environmental respect.”   up to 70,000 operating cycles, and
            as the newly available connection of   He cites the engine and propeller   is working in order to progressively
            remote communities or dispersed   efficiency of ATR that combine to   obtain life design extensions to
            tier cities with the broader     give unrivalled fuel efficiency and a   90,000 cycles and further 105,000
            global market. “The challenge     very low noise signature, both highly   cycles in coming years,” notes
            [is to] develop new technologies   important for regional operators. “A   Mucciardi.

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