Page 20 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
P. 20


        To market, to market:

        To Buy or to Lease?

        The aviation business is booming. Aircraft at a few million a pop are purring out of
        factories across the globe – but who is paying for them? Jeremy Torr looks at the
        leasing business

                                            WE’VE  ALL bEEN  THERE. THAT  SHINy   As Li Zaohang, EVP at BOC Leasing,
                                            new narrow body aircraft is just waiting   a subsidiary of Bank of China, noted at
                                            for your signature and your custom   a recent signing, “Bank of China Group
                                            paintjob – and it’s only around US$80   and [manufacturers] are clients of each
                                            million if you are quick! Sadly, thanks   other and work for mutual benefit. We
                                            mainly to rising fuel prices, the corporate   not only cooperate in purchase and sale
                                            piggybank is rattlingly empty, so you have   of the aircraft, but also conduct in-depth
                                            to consider other forms of finance. That’s   cooperation in commercial banking.” Just
                                            when the leasing companies come to the   what you wanted to hear? In many cases
                                            rescue. And rescue they do. According to   yes – but not in all cases.
                                            some reports, almost 50% of operational   “All our acquisitions are made on a
                                            aircraft will be leased rather than owned   risk management basis,” says Capt Leong
                                            by operators come 2020; it’s around 35%   SL, VP of Flight Operations at Singapore-
                                            already says Boeing.                based Silk Air, which has just signed up

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