Page 19 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2014 Online Magazine
P. 19


                                                                                present and is pulling out the super jumbo
                                                                                airplane from other routes to operate
                                                                                them to India.
                                                                                  “At present only four airports -- Delhi,
                                                                                Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore have
                                                                                the required infrastructure for operations
                                                                                of the world’s largest  passenger aircraft,”
                                                                                a Ministry of Civil Aviation official  says.
                                                                                   I P Rao, Chief Executive Officer, Delhi
                                                                                International Airport (P) Ltd says, “We
                                                                                enjoy a close relationship with Singapore
                                                                                Airlines and the carrier remains a valued
                                                                                customer of our airport. A scheduled A380
                                                                                service connecting Delhi to Singapore
                                                                                daily demonstrates Delhi’s emergence as
                                                                                a true world-class airport, supporting the
                                                                                world’s largest passenger commercial
                                                                                aircraft. Delhi was the first major airport
                                                                                in India to be A380 ready and today, I am
        SIA to Fly In A380s to India                                            on its historic inaugural flight.”
                                                                                glad to welcome Singapore Airlines A380
                                                                                   India last April concluded seat
                                                                                enhancement talks with Abu Dhabi,
        Emirates and Lufthansa also keen to bring in the                        hiking the bilateral weekly seat quota
        jumbo. By Jay Menon                                                     from 13,000 to 50,000. Both sides agreed
                                                                                to allocate an additional entitlement of
                                                                                36,670  seats  per  week  spread  over  a
        singaPorE airlinEs will bE thE first   fearing that the local carriers, which   period of three years - 11,000 seats per
        carrier to fly Airbus A380 to India after   are already bleeding financially, won’t   week in 2013, 12,800 seats a week up to
        the government lifted a ban on operating   be able to compete with foreign airlines   the winter schedule for 2014 and 12,870
        these jumbo aircraft to the world’s second   operating the aircraft and will lose traffic.   seats a week up to the winter schedule for
        populous country.                   Authorities also felt allowing A380 to land   2015.
          “We  have  been  keen  to  operate  the   in the country may stretch the existing   India  also  revised  its  bilateral  Air
        Airbus A380 to India and are glad that the   infrastructure at airports.  Service Agreement with Singapore which
        Air Services Agreement between Singapore   So far foreign airlines could serve the   allowed increase of 2,160 seats per week,
        and India now allows us to do so,” says   country using aircraft not bigger than a   about  10  per cent, for  the  Singapore-
        Singapore Airlines Senior Vice President   Boeing 747.                  based carriers.
        Marketing Planning, Lee Wen Fen.      “The decision (to remove the restriction)   Nine out of 10 airlines flying the
           The airline’s A380 super jumbo will   has been taken after due consultations   Airbus A380 such as Singapore Airlines,
        operate daily to both Mumbai and New   with the Directorate General of Civil   Emirates, Qantas and Lufthansa operate
        Delhi with effect from May 30, replacing   Aviation (DGCA), national carrier Air India   flights to India.
        two daily flights that currently serve each   and Airports Authority of India,” a ministry   But till recently none of the Indian
        city using smaller Boeing 777s. Another   official informs.             airports were capable of handling an
        daily flight will continue to be operated   Emirates and Lufthansa are also   aircraft of that size.
        with B777s. In total, 14 flights will serve   interested in operating A380s in India on   Rajeev Jain, CEO - MIAL said, “It’s an
        each city per week.                 various international routes.       honour  and  a  privilege  to  host  the  arrival
          “India is a particularly important   Under India’s rules, A380s will be   of Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 at CSIA,
        market for Singapore Airlines and we are   allowed to land at the country’s four main   Mumbai. Scheduling of A380 services further
        very pleased that more of our customers   airports - New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore   demonstrates Mumbai’s emergence as a
        will soon be able to experience the   and  Hyderabad  -  which  are  equipped  to   world-class  airport,  which  now  supports
        spaciousness and comfort of the world’s   handle the planes.            routes to established and emerging
        largest aircraft,” the official says.  The A380 can carry more than 800   markets across the globe. We congratulate
           India had barred the world largest   passengers in a single-class configuration.  Singapore Airlines on the launch of its daily
        commercial aircraft to fly into the country   Singapore Airlines has 19 A380s at   Airbus A380 service at Mumbai.”
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 MARCH / APRIL 2014  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  19
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