Page 10 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2015 Online Magazine
P. 10
Reaching for the Skies
India’s National Civil Aircraft Development programme remains work in progress
By J K Chandra
INdIA’S NATIONAL CIVIL AIRCRAFT were estimated to be just over uS$ one
Development (NCAD) programme is billion, at an estimated Rs 7555 crore,
an effort to undertake the design and split between the design and development
manufacture of a 90-100 seat civilian phase (Rs 4355 crore) and series
airplane within the country. Work on the production (Rs 3200 crore). India’s NCAD
programme essentially began in 2008, programme received formal approval
when concept studies for a Regional in July 2013, when a decision was taken
Transport Aircraft (RTA) were initiated. by the Government to proceed with the
India’s’ NCAD programme This was followed by a High Powered programme, on the basis of the strategic
seeks to deliver a 90-100 Committee that conducted a feasibility importance of the aviation sector in India
seat twin engine jetliner study in 2010 for the development of a and its rapid growth.
for regional transport National Civil Aircraft (NCA) in India. The To facilitate the development and
requirements within the report on the NCAD programme was production of a 90-100 seat airplane
country. But the segment is
highly competitive and price submitted in May 2011 by the Council it was decided that a Special Purpose
sensitive. India’s Air Costa of Scientific and Industrial Research- Vehicle (SPV) would be created between
placed a firm order for 50 National Aerospace Laboratory (CSIR- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and
E-Jets E2s last year NAL). Development costs at the time NAL. While Government approvals to form