Page 9 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2015 Online Magazine
P. 9


        From Russia with SSJ100             its E-Jets. The E190-E2, E195-E2 and   in 2018. It is investing about uS$1.7 billion
        Sukhoi  Civil Aircraft  Company  (SCAC),   E175-E2 will sport next-generation Pratt   to refresh the E-Jet family to face the
        which  is  responsible  for  the  marketing   & Whitney geared turbofan engines.  competition.
        and  sales  of SSJ100  in  Russia,  China,   While admitting that the new airframe   “We have positioned our E-Jet family
        India,  Middle  East  and  Southeast  Asia,   OEMs will taste some success in their   aircraft, both the current generation and
        expects the volume of the Indian market   domestic markets, Chief Commercial   the E-2 family, perfectly to complement the
        for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft to be   Officer of Embraer, John S Slattery, says,   larger offerings from Boeing and Airbus.
        around 50 aircraft until 2030.      “It’s important for the new OEMs to   We feel confident about our ability to sell
           The SSJ100 is a 100 seat regional jet   broaden  their  footprint  outside  of  their   these aircraft. The analogue of success is
        designed,  developed  and  built  by  SCAC,   domestic home market to have credibility   that we have achieved 590 commitments
        in partnership with Alenia Aermacchi, a   in  the  global  market...It  takes  a  lot  for   in just a year-and-a -half from the launch
        Finmeccanica Company.               an  airline  that  is operating  an existing   of the programme. That is the testament
           With the industry estimates pointing   aircraft, successfully and profitably, to   to the demand from the airlines and the
        to  a  demand between 2,600  and  6,000   make an (alternate) move.”    operating leasing community for the
        aircraft in this market segment over the   Embraer today enjoys the benefit of a   airplane,” Slattery says.
        next two decades, the real question is if   franchise footprint, that is 65 customers   Referring to several orders for the
        the emerging airframers can effectively   in 45 countries. “That’s an enormous   ARJ21-700  in China,  Slattery  says,
        compete against existing players in their   resource for an airframe OEM to have,”   “the new OEMs will be a success in the
        age-old turf.                       Slattery says.                      domestic market, but it won’t be exclusive
           A few analysts, however, observe that   “Our aircraft are designed and   to keeping the Embraer out.”
        it  won’t  be  easy  going  for  Embraer  and   developed for purpose, after listening   Faced  with  the  competition,
        Bombardier during the next few years.  to the demands of the customers. The   Bombardier, the other leading planemaker
           “While  it  will  take  time  for  the  new   advantage we have over these new   in this category, has decided to go one
        producers to build a global presence,   airframe OEMs is that we know the airlines   step ahead by moving upmarket in terms
        potentially this can present a threat to   and the customers know the aircraft and   of size and is already well advanced with
        Embraer and Bombardier’s well-established   understand the aircraft and its operational   the development of its CSeries jets, which
        markets,” says Tamilla Curtis, Assistant   costs. They can see that our aircraft are   are being optimised at 110-130 seats.
        Professor of Management at Embry-Riddle   being operated by some of the largest   Embraer  and  Bombardier  forecast
        Aeronautical university, Florida.   airlines  in  different  regions  of  the  world   significant growth in sales during the next
                                            successfully and profitably. So it’s in that   20 years both to meet higher demand and
        Taking on the Challenge             backdrop we are selling our E-2 jets.  to replace existing older aircraft.
        Embraer, the current market leader in   “It will be very difficult for airframe   Embraer  forecasts  a  requirement
        regional jets with its range of 70-120   OEMs that don’t have this relationship to   for 6,875 new jets in the 30 to 120-seat
        seat E-Jets, is not taking the competition   sell  to customers that  they  don’t  know,”   segment during the next 20 years with
        lightly, though it says competition forces it   he adds.                a  total  market  value  estimated  about
        to stay close to the customers.        Embraer’s  upgraded  E2  lineup  uS$200 billion.
           The Brazilian airframer has already   features  jets  with  new engines,  and  the
        embarked on a complete overhaul of   planemaker is targeting the first delivery
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