Page 16 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2015 Online Magazine
P. 16


        With Prayers on the Lips

        Indonesia has a horrific record for airplane accidents and has weaker safety protocols
        By Subodh Agarwal
        LOW COST CARRIERS ACROSS ASIA HAVE     “The crash of AirAsia Flight 8501,   “Low-cost carriers in Indonesia have
        made air travel affordable for millions,   though tragic, was not an enormous   become notorious for overworking their
        but the loss of Indonesia AirAsia Flight   surprise  to anyone who follows  aviation   pilots,  which  may  be  one  reason  why
        QZ8501 has once again underscored the   in Indonesia, or who has flown repeatedly   several of Lion Air’s pilots have been
        challenge  for  authorities,  especially  in   in Indonesia. The country has a horrific   caught with methamphetamines the past
        Indonesia, to ensure that infrastructure   record for airplane accidents and has   three years. (Methamphetamines help you
        and safety norms are sufficient to meet a   weaker safety protocols regarding aviation   stay awake.),” says Kurlantzick.
        surge in demand for air travel.     than other middle-income countries,”   The government should take many
           In the third air disaster to strike the   avers Joshua Kurlantzick, a senior fellow   other steps to improve the quality of pilots
        region in 2014, an Airbus A320 of AirAsia   for Southeast Asia at the Council on   operating in Indonesia, he says. “Jakarta
        vanished from radar on Dec. 28 in storm   Foreign Relations (CFR).      needs to implement and enforce stricter
        clouds  en  route  to  Singapore  from  the   Though  Indonesia’s  meteorological   regulations on the amount of hours pilots
        Indonesian city of Surabaya. The debris   agency BMKG initially suggested that the   can work per week, and to increase
        of the aircraft was discovered later in the   weather at the time the plane went down   enforcement of random drug and alcohol
        waters off the island of Borneo.    sparked the disaster, with icing likely   testing for pilots. In addition, Jakarta needs
           Indonesia has long ranked at or near   causing engine damage, analysts believe   to make pilot licensing more rigorous and
        the top of every list of developing countries   that air accidents are almost always   more standardized,” he adds.
        with a poor record of aviation safety. It is   caused by more than one factor.  According  to  estimates,  there  are
        one of nine countries currently listed as   Indonesia has a reputation for weak   currently 1,600 aircraft operating in
        failing a safety assessment by the united   airline safety practices, and a shortage   Southeast Asia. Brendan Sobie, analyst
        States Federal Aviation Administration.   of experienced pilots amid rapidly rising   at the CAPA Centre for Aviation, a
        The  other  countries  are  Bangladesh,   air travel as the economy booms. The   consultancy in Sydney, says, “It is the only
        Barbados,  Curaçao,  Ghana,  India,  country has become infamous for poor   region in the world with as many aircraft
        Nicaragua, Saint Martin and uruguay.  management of planes.             on order as in service.”

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