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        levels of commonality between aircraft   China’s Beijing training centre from the   also airlines from the Asia Pacific region;
        families,  training  times  are  also  getting   middle of this year. The company will   if these companies do not have HuD-
        reduced, for e.g. it takes as less as five   also deliver a CAE 7000XR Series model,   equipped aircraft, they will not be able to
        days of training for a 777 pilot to qualify on   A320 FFS to  uzbekistan Airways by the   benefit from privileged landing accesses.”
        the 787. Airbus announced late last year   end of this year. Another Chinese airline,   He further adds that “Thales has now
        that  it  had  received  regulatory  approval   Sichuan Airlines will receive a fifth Airbus   started to ship equipment to around a
        for Common Type Rating pilot training on   A320 RealitySeven FFS from L-3 Link   dozen airlines in China. Furthermore,
        the A350 XWB and A330 jetliners. Airbus   Simulation & Training (L-3 Link). Slated   the suppliers of simulators and the
        says “the new regulatory approval means   to be operational by October this year, the   training  centers  of  the  relevant  airlines
        that pilots who are qualified and current   A320  FFS will come  with dual heads-up   are  beginning  to  equip  their  simulators
        on the A330 can already commence their   displays (HuD), one of the first A320 FFSs   with HuDs so that crews receive adequate
        preparations to take the A350 XWB’s   to be so equipped.                training.” Airbus has already begun
        controls by undergoing “differences    Simulator training providers will have   to integrate HuDs on aircraft being
        training” only.” This provides substantial   to cater for the use of HuDs, which have   assembled at its Final Assembly Line
        savings to airlines as pilot training time   been made mandatory for all Chinese   in Tianjin, China and will also look to
        is reduced to only eight days (a 65 percent   airlines by the Civil Aviation Administration   offer a retrofit on all Airbus aircraft to
        reduction), compared to a standard   of China (CAAC).  By the end of the first   meet with the CAAC mandate. HuDs are
        transition course since ground based full-  phase, to be completed by the end of this   optional equipment on all Airbus jetliners
        flight simulators (FFSs) are not needed. At   year, as part of the “China HuD Application   and Thales D-HuDS offers full flight and
        the beginning of the year, Canadian firm   Roadmap”, each airline will have to have   guidance symbology certified for all flight
        CAE announced orders for eight FFSs to   10 percent of their fleet operating in China   phases and supports high definition video
        customers in Australia, Asia, the Middle   fitted with HuDs (regardless of aircraft   display from Enhanced Vision Systems
        East and Europe worth C$ 120 million   type). This will rise to 50 percent by 2020   (EVS), Airport Navigation Function (ANF)
        that bring total FFS sales to 31 for the   and by 2025 all civil aircraft operating in   and Synthetic and Combined Vision
        fiscal year 2015. As part of these orders,   China will have to be HuD equipped. In an   Systems (SVS/CVS).
        Air China which already operates 19 CAE   interview with Thales Avionics & Onboard
        FFSs, purchased a Boeing 787-9 FFS   blog, Michel Soler, HuD senior marketing
        and CAE Simfinity integrated procedures   manager for Thales, says “all airlines
        trainer (IPT) from the company. The FFS   operating in China will therefore need
        includes  CAE’sTropos-6000XR  visual  this equipment on board their aircraft.
        system and will be operational at Air   This affects not only Chinese airlines but

                                                                                TOP: The Asia Pacific region tops the
                                                                                requirements for new pilots till 2033.

                                                                                LEFT: An image of the Airbus A350
                                                                                XWB’s cockpit mock-up during the 2014
                                                                                Farnborough International Airshow
                                                                                with future pilots
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