Page 24 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 24


        MRO INduSTRy NEWS

                                                                                services, AFI KLM E&M confirms its
                                                                                ability  and aim  to design and  market
                                                                                aircraft maintenance solutions tailored
                                                                                to the latest technology carried aboard
                                                                                new-generation aircraft.
                                                                                   The Group’s A350 MRO offering
                                                                                benefits from  the unique experience
                                                                                and  earlier  investment  in  new-
                                                                                generation  aircraft  fleets  operating
                                                                                similar technology, like the A380 and
                                                                                the Boeing 787, for which the AFI KLM
                                                                                E&M offering has already been taken up
                                                                                by several major airlines.
                                                                                   Being granted Part 145 approval
                                                                                by EASA for A350 line maintenance is
                                                                                an important stage in the maintenance
                                                                                development plan that AFI KLM E&M is
                                                                                implementing to offer their MRO services
                                                                                for the new-generation airplane.
                                                                                   Franck Terner, EVP Air France
          A350 Line Maintenance Offer                                           KLM E&M, said: “Based on its unique
          AFI KLM E&M has been granted Part 145   the launch of line maintenance services.   experience as an Airline/MRO on A380
          approval by the European Aviation Safety   The Group has already provided technical   and 787,  AFI  KLM E&M is  quickly
          Agency (EASA) authorizing it to carry out   assistance services on customer’s   ramping  up  its  A350  support  services.
          line maintenance for airlines operating   A350s at the Rome outstation, and has   On the line maintenance segment,
          the A350.                         contracted with Vietnam Airlines to   following Paris-CDG and Rome, AFI
            Engaged in a program to develop its   deliver line maintenance services at   KLM E&M will deploy its A350 capability
          dedicated A350 maintenance capabilities,   Paris-CDG.                 across its global network to meet the
          AFI KLM E&M has with this new approval   Only months after the development   needs of operating airlines, including
          extended its commercial offering with   of a range of dedicated Boeing 787 MRO   Air France KLM fleets.”

                                             AFI KLM E&M Launches New Aerostructures Shop
                                             AFI KLM E&M has launched its new   infrastructure modernization programs.
                                             aerostructures shop, a high-tech facility   As with the new engine shop in
                                             packed with innovations to handle all   Amsterdam; Eole, the components
                                             types of airframe parts, with a special   workshop;  Constellation,  the  VBE
                                             emphasis on composites.           engine shop; Equinoxe, the logistics
                                                The brand-new building rises   store; and Zéphyr, the VBE test cell, this
                                             proudly a few hundred meters beyond   latest addition to the Group’s high-tech
                                             the A380 hangar at Paris-CDG.     engineering resources today offers its
                                             Following  ground-breaking  just  over   aerostructures business “a  coherent
                                             twelve months ago, since September   whole that is unique, ultra-optimized,
                                             2015 the new Helios aerostructures   and highly efficient, in the service of our
                                             shop has brought under one roof teams   clients”, says Helios project manager
                                             that were previously distributed across   Laurent Rousselle.
                                             several sites at Le Bourget, in an   Scaled to accommodate all Very
                                             18,000sqm concentration of technology   Big Engine nacelles (GE90, GEnx, Trent
                                             that will ultimately house close to 300   1000), the new building is equipped with
                                             technicians and engineers.        sanding booths, painting booths, and
                                                The Helios project was launched   autoclaves big enough to accommodate
                                             in 2012 and is part of AFI KLM E&M’s   the nacelles. It will be able to handle all
                                             continuous investment and maintenance   types of nacelles, airfoils and radomes.

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