Page 30 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 30


        Upset Condition

        A number of factors contributed to the loss of AirAsia Indonesia Flight QZ8501
        By Atul Chandra

                                            INDONESIA’S  NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION   recovered from the crash site was examined
                                            Safety Committee (KNKT) in its accident   by the French BEA at an Airbus facility
                                            report on  the crash  of  AirAsia Indonesia   in France and the electronic cards were
                                            Flight QZ8501 that took place on 28th   found to have cracked soldering on both A
                                            December, 2014, concluded that failure   and B channels. The report concluded that
                                            of the Rudder  Travel Limiter Unit (RTLU)   this could have led to a  TLU failure and
                                            due to mechanical defects and faulty   also found that despite 23 RTLU problems
                                            crew action following an ‘Airplane Upset’   being reported from January 2014 to 27
                                            situation were the main contributory   December 2014, the part was never opened
                                            factors for the  crash and  subsequent loss   for examination.
                                            of all lives onboard Flight QZ8501.  The   The Air Asia Airbus A320 jetliner was
                                            report by the Komite Nasional Keselamatan   on a flight from Juanda Airport, Surabaya,
        AirAsia Indonesia Flight QZ8501     Transportasi (KNKT), ruled out weather   Indonesia to Changi Airport, Singapore
        was at an Angle of Attack (AOA)     conditions as a contributory cause for the   and  all  162  souls  (156  passengers  and  six
        that was almost constant at         crash. The air crash investigation conducted   crew) onboard  the flight  were  lost, when
        approximately 40° up after flight   by KNKT included representatives from the   the jetliner crashed into the sea. The Pilot
        control reverted to Alternate Law
        resulted in the autopilot and auto-  Australian ATSB, French BEA, Singapore   Flying (PF), during the flight was the Second
        thrust getting disengaged           AAIB and MOT Malaysia. The aircraft RTLU   in Command (SIC) who had 1,367 hours on

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