Page 32 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 32



                                                                                Given SR  Technics’ track record, we were
                                                                                also confident that it could manage this
                                                                                technically complex Engineering and STC
                                                                                program while meeting all our demanding
                                                                                delivery schedule,” said Intrepid Aviation’s
                                                                                Executive  Vice President, Operations and
                                                                                Aircraft Programs, Daniel Perez.
                                                                                   As part of the contract, the cabin
                                                                                modification installation,  requires the
                                                                                fitment  of  state-of-the-art  In-Flight
                                                                                Entertainment  (IFE)  systems  and  wireless
                                                                                capabilities.SR  Technics will also conduct
                                                                                heavy maintenance checks and aircraft
                                                                                painting as part of the contract.  The
                                                                                company  will formulate  all the  complex
                                                                                cabin modification design specifications;
                                                                                supply chain management sourcing and
        SR Technics Gets Cabin Modification Contract                            organizational planning at its Engineering
        SR  Technic will undertake a major turnkey   work required for a major redesign and   Centers of Excellence in Dublin and Zurich. It
        cabin modification integration contract for   enhancement  for  the  cabin  interiors  on   will also work closely with the Airworthiness
        aircraft lessor Intrepid Aviation.  The deal   seven of Intrepid Aviation’s Airbus A330.   Authorities, to obtain all the required
        which was announced on January 18th, calls   “We selected SR  Technics because it   Supplemental  Type  Certificate  (STC)
        for SR  Technics to manage and implement   offered us a comprehensive, cost-effective   approvals.
        all the design engineering and embodiment   and flexible package of turnkey services.

        Honeywell’s Inmarsat Global Xpress In-Flight Wireless Network Hardware Receives FAA Certification
        Honeywell  Aerospace  has  announced  the
        grant of U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
        (FAA) approval for its JetWave wireless in-
        flight connectivity system  for the Boeing
        757.  The FAA  approval  also  paves  the way
        for use of JetWave hardware on other
        aircraft. “This first commercial certification
        for Honeywell’s JetWave hardware is a leap
        forward in making the system available
        commercially and accelerating access to
        reliable and fast connectivity for airlines and
        passengers traveling across the world,” said
        Jack Jacobs, vice president of Safety and
        Connectivity at Honeywell Aerospace.
           The FAA has certified the reliability
        and capability of Honeywell’s hardware
        that will provide passengers with  Wi-Fi
        speeds similar to what they can obtain   Leo Mondale, president of Inmarsat   The JetWave hardware was certified by
        at home or in the office while traveling at   Aviation said, “The entry into service of GX   the FAA after a rigorous evaluation effort
        35,000 feet. Honeywell’s JetWave is the   Aviation this year will  mark an important   on Honeywell’s Boeing 757 test aircraft,
        exclusive hardware for aircraft to connect   turning point, allowing passengers in the air   which saw more than 180 flight hours being
        to Inmarsat’s Global Xpress Global Xpress   to browse the Internet, download files and   completed. The performance of the JetWave
        (GX) Aviation service, which will provide fast,   watch videos online, just as they would on   hardware and GX network were tested at
        seamless and reliable connectivity over both   the ground. The certification of Honeywell’s   various altitudes, angles and speeds, through
        land and water, the only such high-speed   JetWave hardware is a key milestone in the   several different types of weather, and over
        broadband  satellite  network  spanning  the   program and we congratulate our partner on   land and water.
        globe.                              this achievement.”
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