Page 35 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2016 Online Magazine
P. 35


                                             Bombardier Sells Amphibious Aircraft Program to Viking Air
                                             Bombardier has reached a definitive   Executive  officer, Bombardier Inc. “While
          Cessna Marks Major Milestone for   agreement,  with  British  Columbia-  the Amphibious Aircraft program is part of
          Citation Longitude Business Jet    based  Viking Air Limited for the sale of   our long history, this divestiture positions
          In a major milestone for the revolutionary   its Amphibious Aircraft program.  The   Bombardier to better focus on our core,
          Cessna  Citation  Longitude  super-  agreement will cover the Type Certificates   higher growth businesses; business jets,
          midsize jet, the Cessna Aircraft Company   for all variants  of the aircraft, the  CL-  commercial aircraft and rail transportation.”
          announced  that it successful  powered   215, the CL-215T and the Bombardier 415   The Canadian airframer has  announced
          the electrical distribution system on the   aircraft as well as after-market services.   that plans are underway to transfer the 50
          aircraft, marking a major step towards   The deal is subject to regulatory approval   Amphibious Aircraft program employees
          the maiden flight of the type, which   and fulfilment of other conditions, which   to  other parts  of the  Bombardier
          is expected later this year.  The latest   are  expected  to  be  concluded  before  the   organization as result of the sale. Close to
          milestone follows just three weeks after   end of the year. Bombardier had paused   170 Bombardier amphibious aircraft are in
          the company successfully mated the wing   its amphibious aircraft programmes last   service worldwide. Drawing on the success
          and fuselage of the first Longitude in   year and a single amphibious aircraft    of the Bombardier’s earlier CL-215 and
          May. “We continue to meet our milestones   has not been produced since December   CL-215T versions, the Bombardier 415 was
          through an industry-leading development   2015.  “This  transaction  supports  our  goal   launched in 1994, quickly establishing itself
          schedule in order to get the Longitude   of rebuilding a clear path to profitable   as the only purposely built firefighting
          into the hands of our customers,” said   earnings growth and cash generation,”  aircraft in the world.
          Scott Ernest, president and CEo, Textron   said Alain Bellemare, President and Chief
          Aviation. “The power on stage allows
          our team to begin verifying the aircraft’s
          electrical power system and paves the                                 (HAK) and Chengdu (CTU), during the
          way for functional tests and engine runs                              course of the eight-day trip.  The flights
          that will get us to first flight in the coming                        will be  operated by Airbus flight  crews.
          months.”  The clean-sheet design Cessna                               MSN002 is one of Airbus’ fleet of five
          Citation  Longitude  is  a  super-midsize                             test A350-900 aircraft and features a
          jet,  with  a  stand-up,  flat-floor  cabin  that                     distinctive “Carbon” signature livery which
          can accommodate up  to 12 passengers.                                 reflects the use of advanced materials in
          Power comes from twin FADEC-equipped                                  the construction of the new generation
          Honeywell HTF7700L turbofan engines                                   wide-body jetliner. It is one of the two
          with fully integrated auto throttles.  The                            aircraft in the Airbus A350XWB test fleet
          cockpit features a Garmin G5000 flight   Airbus Commences A350XWB     to have a fully functional cabin (42 business
          deck  with head-up display  and  enhanced   China Demonstration Tour  class and 210 economy class seats).  The
          vision capability.  The Longitude can   Airbus has announced the start of its first   newest Chinese customer for the A350
          achieve a maximum cruise speed of 476   ever  demo  tour  of  China  for  the Airbus   is China Eastern Airlines, which placed
          knots and has a high-speed range of 3,400   A350XWB. The tour will commence from   orders for 20 A350-900s this April. Air
          nautical miles.                   June 25th and will end on July 2nd. A350   Chine has also placed orders for 10 A350-
                                             XWB  test  aircraft MSN2  (Manufacturer   900s. Airbus has received approximately
                                             Serial Number) will fly to Beijing (PEK),   800 firm orders for the A350 XWB from 42
                                             Shanghai (SHA), Guangzhou (CAN), Haikou   customers worldwide, till date.

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