Page 32 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2016 Online Magazine
P. 32


        MRO NEWS ANd UPdAtES

          ITP to Extend Participation in
          Honeywell’s HTF7000 turbofan
          Leading aircraft MRo provider ITP
          has  announced  the  extension  of  its
          participation in the sixth application of the
          HTF7000 engine, that powers the Cessna   CFM56 Fleet Crosses 800 Million Flight Hours
          Citation  Longitude.  ITP  will  now  extend   In  a  historic  achievement,  CFM  invest in the product line; and provide world-
          its participation as an RRSP (Risk and   International’s  CFM56  fleet  has  become   class customer and product support. This
          Revenue Sharing Partner) in the HTF7700L   the first high bypass turbofan engine   philosophy has enabled the CFM56 product
          that powers the Cessna Citation Longitude   family in history to achieve more than 800   line to become the industry benchmark for
          business jet. Belonging to Honeywell’s   million engine flight hours in service.  The   reliability and low cost of ownership.” The
          HTF7000 family of engines, the HTF7700L   CFM56 family will achieve one billion flight   first CFM56 engines entered service in1982
          version,  will  deliver  7,550  lbs.  of  takeoff    hours by the year 2020 and presently logs   and CFM has delivered nearly 30,000
          thrust. ITP has been an RRSP of this   a million flight hours every eight days! “We   engines to 550-plus operators around the
          programme  since  1999  and,  as  a  partner,   are obviously very proud of reaching this   globe since then. The CFM56 product line
          has responsibility for the manufacture   incredible milestone, but we know we could   has  demonstrated outstanding  reliability
          of static parts for the LPT (Low-Pressure   never have done it without the continued   and the average time on wing for current
          Turbine). ITP has also signed a framework   confidence of our customers around the   production CFM56  engines before a first
          agreement with Honeywell to supply   world,” said Jean-Paul Ebanga, president   shop visit is approximately 30,000 hours.
          engineering services related to design,   and CEo of CFM International. “From the   The current fleet record at 50,000 hours.
          analysis, drafting, controls, validation and   beginning, the CFM model has been simple:   CFM International, a 50/50 joint company
          verification, and testing.         meet all of our commitments; continually   between GE and Safran Aircraft Engines.

                                             RUAG Completes 96 Month Check on Challenger 850 Business Jet
                                             RUAG    Aviation  has  successfully  the entire project….  This aircraft also
                                             completed a heavy maintenance check on   represents our first official act in using our
                                             a Bombardier Challenger 850, belonging   unlimited certification rights for Russian
                                             to a Russian operator. The MRo work was   registered civil aircraft,” adds Andre.
                                             performed  on  schedule,  following  which   There were a number of issues which could
                                             the aircraft was delivered to the customer   have  resulted  in  a  delay  in  the  ultimate
                                             by RUAG Aviation at  oberpfaffenhofen,   delivery of the aircraft such as irregularities
                                             Germany.  The work was performed on   on structural elements, unique and
                                             the aircraft between 1 February and 11   complex cabin interior features, and out-
                                             April 2016. “This 96-month check was   of-production cabin interior replacement
                                             an achievement for us on several levels,”   parts. However, all required structural and
                                             states Andre Ebach, General Manager   cabin work was completed on schedule and
                                             Business Jets at  oberpfaffenhofen. “The   on time. RUAG Aviation recently received
                                             customer, a Russian operator, required   unlimited approvals from the Russian
                                             strict adherence to the delivery date and   Federal Air Transport Agency for Russian
                                             full on-site representation throughout   registered civil aircraft certification.

        32   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  JULY/ AUGUST 2016                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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