Page 8 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2016 Online Magazine
P. 8


                                                                                LEFT:  The Airbus A320neo
                                                                                family  has  received  a total  of
                                                                                4568 orders, while the Boeing
                                                                                737 MAX across all variants
                                                                                has notched up 3213 orders
                                                                                (information for both types
                                                                                accurate as of 31 May)

                                                                                OPPOSITE  PAGE:  The maiden
                                                                                flight of Embraer’s E190-E2, saw
                                                                                the airplane being flown up to a
                                                                                speed of Mach 0.82 and a height
                                                                                of 41,000 feet

        support staff, engineers and administration   overwhelmingly in favour of the MAX8.   the A320neo. Qatar was the launch customer
        personnel based at the Mirabel CRC.    Boeing managed to garner more orders   for the NEo, having placed orders for 50 (34
           Bombardier has taken onboard the   in the period from 31 December 2014 to   A320neos and  16 A321neos) and expected
        Government of Québec as an equity   31  May 2016;  adding  141  orders  for the   delivery of its first aircraft in December 2015.
        partner in the C Series aircraft program, as   MAX  compared  to Airbus’  97 for  the NEo.   Qatar was to have received five A320neos
        announced earlier in the year. A U.S.$1 billion   Developmental flight testing for the new   by June and as many as 10 by the end of this
        investment will be made by the Government   737MAX is now progressing rapidly and in   year.  Lufthansa’s CEo  Carsten  Spohr also
        of Quebec into the newly created, C Series   a first for the MAX flight test program, the   announced  in  March  that  the  airline  would
        Aircraft Limited Partnership (the “CSALP”),   entire MAX test fleet of four aircraft were   delay  taking  delivery  of  its  second  A320neo
        of which a 50.5 per cent equity stake will   in the air at the same time on 7 June. The test   due to engine related issues. Lufthansa is
        be  held  by  Bombardier  and  the rest  by   examples have also received different paint   scheduled to receive five more NEos in 2016.
        Investissement Québec. The monies will be   schemes; Boeing livery for test aircraft No.1   To clear the air on the performance of the
        disbursed in two U.S.$500  million tranches,   and No.4, while ‘Light’ livery adorns aircraft   PW1100G-JM engine, Pratt & Whitney, issued a
        the first on June 30, 2016 and the second   No.2 and No.3. Launch customer, Southwest   statement in June, asserting that the engine,
        on  September  1,  2016.  The  infusion  funds   Airlines is expected to take delivery of its   “Is fully certified and meets performance and
        are vital to Bombardier’s efforts to achieve   first 737MAX in the third quarter of 2017. The   contract specifications, delivering 16 per cent
        cash flow breakeven in 2018 and as a result   only engine choice for the 737MAX Family   better fuel efficiency, 50 percent reduction in
        of the investment, “The strategic, financial   is  CFM  International’s  LEAP-1B  engine,   overall emissions, and 75 per cent reduction in
        and operational headquarters for the CSALP,   continuing the Boeing tradition of selecting   noise footprint while yielding a better than 99
        along  with  the  assembly,  manufacturing,   CFM as the engine supplier for the 737   per cent reliability rate.”
        engineering services and research and   Family since 1984. The 737MAX is expected   The newest operator of the A320neo and
        development activities of the CSALP, will   to better fuel-efficiency of the earliest   the third in the world to commence revenue
        remain in the Province of Québec for at least   Next-Generation 737s that entered service   operations  with  the  type  is  Indian  low-cost
        20 years,” Bombardier announced.    decades ago by 20 per cent and that of the   carrier (LCC) GoAir, which took delivery
                                            newest Next-Generation 737s in operation   of the first of 72 A320neos it has on order
        Boeing 737MAX and A320neo           today by 14 per cent.               on 2 June. GoAir has an existing fleet of 19
        As of 31 May this year, Airbus’ A320neo   As of 31 May, Airbus had delivered seven   A320s.  The  first  aircraft  has  been  acquired
        family and Boeing’s 737 MAX range have   A320neos to Lufthansa, IndiGo and GoAir   via the sale and leaseback through SMBC
        cumulatively achieved an astounding 7781   combined. In June, Qatar Airways CEo, Akbar   Aviation Capital.  The  aircraft  is configured
        orders. Airbus has racked up a total of   Al Baker announced the cancellation of   the Airbus Spaceflex cabin configuration
        4568 orders for the NEo as compared to   delivery of the airline’s first A320neo, after   with 186 seats. Revenue operations with the
        3213 for the MAX (as on May 31, across all   repeated delays related to the delivery of   A320neo,  commenced  on  9  June.  “With  the
        variants).  The order split for the aircraft    the aircraft. The delays appear to be a result   induction of the first of our 72 NEo aircraft on
        variants are: A319neo (58), A320neo (3385)   of  Qatar’s  concerns  with  Pratt  &  Whitney’s   order, we have reached a fleet strength of 20
        and A321neo (1125), while 737MAX orders are   (PW) Pure Power PW1100G-JM engines on   aircraft. With this expansion, we will be able to
        8   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  JULY/ AUGUST 2016                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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