Page 9 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2016 Online Magazine
P. 9


        strengthen our domestic network and will also   before we decide on the engine choice for the   by Airbus as a second engine option for the
        be available to fly on international routes,” said   remaining 280 aircraft that we have on order   NEo Family. The maiden flight on an A320neo
        Wolfgang Prock-Schauer, CEo, GoAir.    with Airbus.”                    powered by the LEAP-1A took place in May,
           India’s dominant airline, IndiGo took   The  A320neo  powered  by  CFM  last year and an additional aircraft joined the
        delivery  of its  first  A320neo  in March  and   International’s LEAP-1A engine; the second   test programme in September the same year.
        has said that it expects to take delivery   engine option for the NEo, received  Type
        of 20 more aircraft during the 2017 fiscal   Certification from the European Aviation  Embraer E-Jets E2
        year. IndiGo has configured the aircraft    Safety Agency (EASA) and Federal Aviation   An airframer that has  successfully  made
        to accommodate 180 seats. However, a   Administration (FAA), on 31 May. Fabrice   the transition from business jets to regional
        substantial amount of the aircraft to be   Brégier, Airbus’ President and Chief Executive   transport aircraft is Embraer.  The E-Jets
        delivered in the coming years are expected   officer called the event, “A key milestone for   E2 programme is the Brazilian firms most
        to be in the 186 seat configuration. IndiGo’s   the A320neo programme, and its second   ambitious yet. Unlike Bombardier however,
        A320neos in their first month of operation (18   engine option – the specially developed   Embraer chose the path of a deep upgrade
        March to 24 April), demonstrated a technical   LEAP-1A, is a double seal of approval by the   for the E-Jets E2, compared to the clean-
        dispatch reliability of 99.02 percent for a   two major international governing bodies   sheet approach that Bombardier chose. The
        three aircraft fleet as compared to 99.94   and comes after the A320neo Family had   maiden flight of the E190-E2, took place in
        percent  for  the  LCC’s  A320  Classics  during   successfully  accomplished  a  rigorous  May this year, earlier than originally planned
        the same operational period. The airline has   programme of certification trials.” Delivery   and just three months after the aircraft was
        also said that the new aircraft are delivering   of the first A320neo powered by the LEAP-1A   rolled-out of the factory in late February.
        average fuel efficiency savings of 13 per cent   is now only a few months away and Jean-Paul   “The flight was very smooth.  We were able
        as compared to the A320 Classics without   Ebanga,  CFM  president  and  CEo  said,  “The   to significantly open the flight envelope by
        Sharklets and that it expects this percentage   flight test program has been a big success   flying at Mach 0.82, climbing to 41,000 feet
        to further improve in the coming years. IndiGo   and we can’t wait to start bringing LEAP’s   and retracting the landing gear and flaps, and
        has chosen the PurePower PW1100G-JM for   outstanding fuel efficiency, low maintenance   engaging the fly-by-wire in normal mode,” said
        its first 150 A320neos and the airline has not   costs,  and world-class  reliability to our   Embraer Captain Mozart Louzada, after the
        ruled out selection of CFM International’s   customers later this year.”   maiden flight. Embraer has now commenced
        LEAP-1A  for  the  remaining  280  aircraft  on   The flight test campaign led by the two   the flight test and certification campaign
        order. “We are eagerly looking forward to   LEAP-powered aircraft has accumulated over   with the first E190-E2 prototype  and three
        learning from experience that other airlines   1,000 flight hours over more than 350 flights –   more prototypes will be built by Embraer
        will have with the CFM LEAP-X Engine. It will   including 150 flight hours completed with the   for developmental testing.  Two E195-E2
        be a good opportunity for us to compare the   same aircraft in an airline-like environment.   prototypes will also be built by Embraer.
        actual operating performance of two engines   The LEAP-1A was chosen in December 2010   The E190-E2 is slated to enter commercial

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