Page 39 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2016 Online Magazine
P. 39

                                                                             July / August 2016 Issue 4

                                                                             Order deadline: 25 June 2016
                                                                             Material deadline: 25 June 2016

                                                                                Clean Sky

                                                                                Reducing CO2, gas emissions and noise
                                                                                levels produced by commercial aircraft
                                                                                is an aspect that is critical to the growth
                                                                                of  the  aviation  industry.  Billions  of
                                                                                dollars  are  being  invested  by  industry
                                                                                OEMs to find innovative and eco-friendly
                                                                                methods that reduce the environmental
                                                                                burden  of  today’s  commercial  aircraft.
                                                                                One  of  the  important  undertakings
          Farnborough Air Show Special                                          in  this  regard  is  the  new  Clean  Sky  2
                                                                                Programme (2014-2020) which will see
          The Farnborough International Airshow 2016 promises to be another blockbuster,   an investment being made to the tune of
          with  a  number  of  important  commercial,  business  and  general  aviation   €4 billion over seven years. We examine
          announcements expected to be made at the show. 22 nations will be hosting   a  few  of  the  important  initiatives  with
          pavilions  at  the  show  from  Europe,  the  US,  Canada,  South  America,  Russia   regards  to  reducing  the  impact  of
          and the Far East. China is participating in strength this year, with a dedicated   aviation on the environment.
          Chinese pavilion that is 103 per cent larger in footprint and with a 98 per cent
          increase  in  spend  compared  to  the  previous  edition  of  the  show.  The  show   Civilian Jetliners Report
          organisers have already announced that the Civil and Commercial programme is   2016  will  see  the  first  full  year  of
          exceeding expectations with representative groups already confirmed from the   operations  for  Airbus’  A320neo  and
          UK, Australia, Italy and the Middle East. Our special show report will look at the   the  results  will  be  closely  watched.
          trends that will emerge at the show.                                  Boeing’s  737  MAX  test  programme
                                                                                is  spreading  its  wings  and  recently
                                               Aero Engine Report               completed  its  first  international
                                               The  new  generation  of  widebody   trip  to  Bolivia  in  South  America  as
                                                                                part  of  developmental  testing.  For
                                               jetliners  such  as  the  Boeing  777X   the  Bombardier  C  Series,  2016  is
                                               and Airbus A330neo will dramatically   an  important  year  with  the  entry
                                               reduce  the  operating  costs  per   into  service  for  the  type  with  launch
                                               passenger  as  a  result  of  the  highly   customer  Swiss.  Asian  Airlines  &
                                               efficient engines being designed for   Aerospace  will  report  the  latest
                                               these jetliners.                 developments  on  these  important
                                                 For  aircraft  operating  on  long-  programmes.
                                               haul  routes  with  high  volumes  of
                                               passenger  traffic,  efficiency  and
                                               safety are the key. We take a look at   Bonus Distribution at:
                                               the  latest  developments  with  aero
                                               engine programmes such as the all-  Farnborough International
                                               new GE9X which will power the 777X   Air Show
                                               and the Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 that   July 11-15
                                               will power the A330neo.

                                RESERVE YOUR ADVERTISING SPACE TODAY

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