Page 34 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2016 Online Magazine
P. 34


        InduStry neWS And uPdAteS

                                                                                First Ka-62 Helicopter Makes
                                                                                Maiden Flight
                                                                                Russian Helicopters has completed the
                                                                                maiden flight of the first prototype (OP-1)
                                                                                of its Kamov Ka-62, medium multi-purpose
                                                                                helicopter. The flight took place in “hover”
                                                                                which was completed  successfully  a
          Third AW609 TiltRotor Prototype Now Closer to First Flight            company release said. “The new Ka-62 will
          Leonardo-Finmeccanica  announced  in  certification flight testing planned for this   be a worthy addition to the civilian version
          May, that the third prototype (A/C3) of the   summer at the company’s Philadelphia facility.   of the honoured and the most massive
          AgustaWestland AW609  TiltRotor had   A/C3 will also participate in icing trials in   in the world of the Mi-8/17, covering in
          completed its first ground run at the company’s   winter this year. The test activities of the first   great demand in the niche class helicopter
          facilities in Cascina Costa, Italy. The successful   prototype were restarted on 15 April.  The   take-off weight of 6.7 tons,” said Russian
          ground for A/C3 is a critical milestone for   fourth prototype A/C4, will enter the test   Helicopters General Director Alexander
          the programme for the advancing of ground   fleet in 2017 and is presently undergoing   Mikheyey.  The Ka-62 has been mainly
          testing and plans for a resumption of flight   assembly in Philadelphia Certification of   designed for transport of passengers in
          testing activities. A/C3 has been undergoing   the first commercial tiltrotor is expected in   the oil and gas sector. It is also well suited
          ground run testing with all engines and   2018, with deliveries to customers to follow   for corporate travel as a result of its
          systems  operating, in  preparation  for  FAA   soon after.           spacious and comfortable cabin.

          Honeywell Launches Vocollect Voice Maintenance & Inspection Solution
          Honeywell has launched its Vocollect Voice
          Maintenance & Inspection (M7I) Solution,
          which  is  a  new  aviation  industry  voice
          control  for  engine  maintenance  solution.
          Honeywell’s Vocollect Voice  M&I  Solution
          allows workers to remain mobile while
          giving instructions and collecting data for
          induction engines, thereby supporting the
          engine product  line  repair  and overhaul
          process. “From  nose to  tail,  and  air to
          ground, the aviation industry is constantly
          developing new technologies to advance all   make their jobs easier and more efficient.   via a headset with a microphone. By using
          aspects of flight,” said David Hudson, VP &   Honeywell has delivered on this with the   voice recognition, they are able to continue
          GM APAC  Vocollect Solutions, Honeywell   development of a voice application to   their work uninterrupted, greatly increasing
          Sensing & Productivity Solutions. “It is   support maintenance operations.”  the efficiency of operations. It also saves
          important to explore new technologies that   The new technology allows maintenance   time as it cuts down on the outdated back
          enhance  the  user  experience  of  everyone   personnel speak commands and verbally   and forth data entry and look up time on a
          that touches flight with new solutions that   input data findings directly into the system   laptop, handheld device or paper forms.

        34   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  MAY/ JUNE 2016                         WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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