Page 27 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 27


          MTU Aero Engines Inaugurates
          New PW1100G-JM Final
         Assembly Line
          MTU Aero Engines ramped-up of tasks
          related  to the new  Pratt  &  Whitney   Mandarin Language for Honeywell’s EPGWS Gets FAA Nod
          PurePower PW1100G-JM Geared  Turbofan   The use of the Mandarin Chinese language   huge benefit to native Chinese-speaking
          engine, with the inauguration of the new   for cockpit warnings in Honeywell’s   pilots,” said Andy Gill, senior director,
          assembly line for the A320neo engine.  MTU   enhanced  ground  proximity  warning  Business and General Aviation, Asia
          contributes  the  high-speed  low-pressure   system, has received U.S. Federal Aviation   Pacific, Honeywell Aerospace.  With over
          turbine, the forward four stages of the   Administration (FAA) approval, making it   500 engineers and five joint ventures
          high-pressure compressor and brush seals   the first company to obtain non-English-  established to support projects and
          to the GTF engines. The final assembly line   language approval for alerts in the   organizations  in  the  country,  Honeywell
          developed  by  MTU  caters  for  work  to  be   helicopter cockpit. Honeywell’s Mark XXII   has invested heavily in engineering
          carried out at six assembly stations using   enhanced ground proximity warning system   and technology in China. “Our Chinese
          a system resembling a flow line, where the   (EGPWS) is the first cockpit system using   engineers drive the local research
          engine is successively put together from pre-  non-English-language aural alerts, because of   and development, as well as support
          assembled components and modules.  The   the use of Mandarin for aural alerts. The use of   aerospace product efforts worldwide.
          highly flexible line will allow several engines   Mandarin for aural EGPWS alerts will result in   They played a vital role in developing the
          in various build stages to be assembled and   increasing recognition of these warnings and   Mandarin callouts for the EGPWS. It is
          completed concurrently to maintain a high   help reduce cognitive workloads for native   just one of the excellent examples that
          production rate. “The PW1100G-JM engine   Chinese-speaking pilots.   demonstrate Honeywell’s strategy of
          is our most important engine down the   “EGPWS  is  widely  considered  one  of   strengthening the engineering capability
          road,” emphasizes MTU CEO Reiner Winkler.   the biggest success stories in the history   in the region,”  said Jun  Xu, Aerospace
         “We are going to profit from the high order   of aviation, and we are proud to offer a   engineering  and  technology  leader  of
          backlog for the A320neo and from the strong   Mandarin-language version that will be of   Honeywell Technology Solutions China.
          demand for the PW1100G-JM engine.”
            The  ramp-up  of  PW1100G-JM  engine
          assembly is expected to be complete by   Ameco Signs RB211 Engine    since 1993 and has the approvals of CAAC,
          the end of 2018. At that time, approximately   Contract with SF Airlines  FAA  and  EASA  to  conduct  overhaul  and
          100 employees will be working in a six-day   Leading Chinese MRO provider Ameco   modification services on this type. Ameco
          and multiple shift pattern. A total of about   has signed a ten-year contract for engine   is also a Rolls-Royce approved RB211 repair
         400 people will then be working in the   services with Chinese freight carrier SF   station. Another service offered by Ameco
          production of the PW1100G-JM engine   Airlines. As per the terms of the contract,   is that of Boeing 757 freighter conversion
          program at MTU.                    Ameco will look after the repair and   and till date, it has completed conversions
            MTU Aero Engines took an 18-percent   overhaul for forty RB211 engines that power   on five 757s at its Chengdu facility, three of
          program stake in this engine for the   SF Airlines’ Boeing 757 fleet. Ameco has   which belong to SF Airlines.
          A320neo,  five years  ago,  its work  share   been an MRO partner of SF Airlines since   SF Airlines has a fleet of 34 freighters
          also including final assembly  and testing   the carrier’s start-up, providing services in   across B767, B757 and B737, which is the
          of almost one third PW1100G-JM engines.   the field of engine, airframe, component,   largest cargo fleet within mainland China.
         This is the first time that the company   and line maintenance and freighter   Ameco is a joint venture between Air China
          has taken on the responsibility for the   conversions.               Limited and Lufthansa German Airlines
          complete final assembly of a commercial   Ameco is the sole MRO provider in China   with Air China holding 75 percent and
          engine in such high volumes.       approved for MRO work on the RB211   Lufthansa the remaining 25 percent.

                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2016  ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  27
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