Page 32 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 32


        InduStry neWS And uPdAteS

                                                                                Gulfstream to End G450
                                                                                Production in 2018
                                                                                Gulfstream has announced that it will
                                                                                end production of the Gulfstream G450,
                                                                                as it prepares for the launch pf the all-
                                                                                new G500.  The final  G450 delivery  is
                                                                                expected to be completed in early 2018.
                                                                                The  G450  built  on  the  successes  of
                                                                                the GIV and GIV-SP and was a popular
          Elbit Systems SKYLENS Wearable HUD in Final Trials                    business jet. Gulfstream has produced
          Elbit  Systems  is  now  amid  flight  trials   to ATR-600 aircraft already in service.   more than 870 GIV, GIV-SP and G450s.
          that is testing the final configuration   SKYLENS contributes to the operational   “The GIV and G450 ushered in a business
          mode  of  its  SKYLENS  wearable  display,   availability  of  turboprop  aircraft,  aviation renaissance that has led to
          onboard the new ATR-72/42 series   which are often required to operate   increased safety, greater reliability,
          aircraft.  Elbit  Systems  SKYLENS  from  airfields  lacking  full-fledged  better  technology  and  improved
          Wearable HUD, replaces the traditional   infrastructure. Hence they are a vital   performance,”  said  Mark  Burns,
          Head Up Display (HUD) and ATR is the   aid to enhancing flight safety. Aircraft   president, Gulfstream. “It’s fitting that
          launch customer for SKYLENS.      equipped with the ClearVision EVS and   the G500 will replace the G450 and build
             A part of the Clearvision Enhanced   SKYLENS  wearable  display,  which are   upon its performance legacy, creating
          Flight  Vision System (EFVS) family,   suitable  for  day  and  night  operations   another industry game-changer from
          SKYLENS   displays  high-resolution  in all weather conditions; are capable   Gulfstream.”
          information, images and video on a high   of  take-off  and  landing  in  low  visibility   “At Gulfstream, we have a long history
          transparency visor, providing pilots with   conditions and in locations that non-EVS   of delivering on our promises.  We are
          cutting-edge head - out capabilities. The   equipped aircraft previously could not   highly pleased with the progress of the
          system will also be offered as a retrofit   approach.                 G500 as it makes great strides in the
                                                                                flight-test program and moves steadily
                                                                                toward certification and entry into
          Diehl Aerospace Establishes Singapore Customer Support Center         service,” Burns also said.  The G500 is
          Diehl Aerospace has announced the   region, and will be open from January 1 2017.   expected to receive type certification in
          establishment  of Diehl  Aerospace  Pte.   According to company officials, one of the   2017 and customer deliveries are slated
          Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary in Singapore,   important tasks of the new company will be   to begin by 2018. The G500 is presently
          to further improve its product support   to interact and service the requirements of   in flight test with five aircraft flying.
          for growing demand in the aerospace   A350XWB customers in the region, one of   The fourth test aircraft made the fleet’s
          industry in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.   which is Singapore airlines. Diehl expertise   first trans-Atlantic flight in July.  Test
          The Singaporean company will be set up in   from Germany will be transferred to the   aircraft number five is a fully outfitted
          joint cooperation of both shareholders of   new CSC in Singapore which will have a   production aircraft that is focussing on
          its parent organisations, Diehl and Thales   dedicated team of 12 personnel.  The new   the cabin interior experience.  To date,
          and  entails  an  investment  of  8-10  million   CSC perform warranty repair, upgrades and   the flight-test program has amassed
          Euros. This new company in Singapore will   modification works. Diehl Aerosystems has   more than 1,600 flight hours. In addition,
          also be the base for a revamped Customer   also ended its existing customer support   a G500 simulator is already operational
          Support Center (CSC) for all Diehl   facility for the region, which was earlier   and in use at FlightSafety  International
          Aerosystems requirements in the APAC   subcontracted to Satair Group.   in Savannah.

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