Page 19 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 19


        oPPosite PaGe:  In-Flight
        Connectivity with high speed
        internet  and availability  of
        bandwidth will transform IFE in
        aircraft over the coming years
        RiGht: IFE upgrades are
        complicated as is the retro-
        fit of wireless connectivity
        systems onboard aircraft
        System and SKYFE-T Tablet Based Inflight   are fast evolving on short-medium haul   in when and what type of in-flight connectivity
        Entertainment System respectively.  With   activity.  In parallel, more and more airlines   they require to be fitted on their new and existing
        the SKYFE-W platform passengers will have   are flying longer distances with turboprops.     fleets. While new IFE systems are now emerging
        access to Google Play and Apple Store and   A high-quality on-board IFE becomes a key   on an average every three to four years, the
        be able to download applications to their own   differentiator since it improves passenger   life of a typical IFE system once installed
        personal electronic devices (tablets, laptops,   comfort and impacts positively the flight   is anywhere between seven to ten years. A
        smart mobile phones) during preflight and   duration perception,” says  Tom Anderson   wrong choice of system could affect customer
        access wireless an entertainment system   ATR’s Senior  Vice President Commercial &   acquisition and retention as passengers may
        which provides Audio and Video on Demand,   Customer Support.           choose to fly on another airline and the inability
        Flight Map, Electronic Publications, Surveys                            to keep pace with technological changes may
        and other services during the flight.  Meant to   Challenges            again result in giving way to a competitor airline.
        be deployed on aircraft which do not have an   A major achievement with regards to IFE   Upgrading the IFE and connectivity options are
        IFE system, the SKYFE-T System provides a   for airlines will be the ability to deliver ‘Over   also expensive and time consuming efforts that
        high resolution tablet, with pre-loaded films,   the  Top’ content which is streamed into   are typically tackled only when the aircraft goes
        music, magazines, documentary, surveys etc.   in-cabin IFE and Personal Entertainment   in for replacement of seats or refurbishment
        When used in conjunction with SKYFE-W,   Devices (PEDs).  Such an approach would   of  the  cabin. SR  Technics’s Zurich-based
        which will provide wireless connectivity, the   free the airline from having to guess what   Center of Excellence for Cabin Modifications
        SKYFE-T devices can then automatically   content its passengers require, and more   which offers comprehensive services for cabin
        connect to the existing server on the airplane   importantly paying license fees for content   refurbishment and reconfigurations is well-
        and access 1.8  Tbyte of media content   its passengers do not consume.  While   positioned to help airlines upgrade their IFE
        while at the same time providing access to   the  sustained  efforts  of  industry  Original   systems and according to Jeremy Remacha
        maps and  flight information  (height, speed   Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are likely   CEO SR Technics, “When it comes to the IFE
        exterior  temperature  etc.). The  importance   to overcome the technical challenges of   upgrades, one of the key challenges is to
        of both of the above systems from Havelsan   delivering sufficient bandwidth to stream   integrate the existing aircraft system with the
        and Turkish Technic, can be gauged from the   data for thousands of passengers in the   new firewall and other system requirements,
        fact that they allow for an airline to provide   air; regulatory issues related to licensing   as well as to increase the level of security to
        a seamless IFE experience, regardless   and management of content are likely   prevent any unauthorized interference.” He
        of the airline network, flight length or   to take longer to resolve, though not   adds, “Wireless technology helps overcome
        aircraft type. In particular this applies  to   impossible. Airlines are also likely to explore   many cabling issues, but requires an extensive
        regional aviation flights where even though   the possibility of offering lower fares to   T-PED  (Transmitting  Portable Electronic
        the flight duration is shorter, the trend is   passengers,  while having them pay for IFE   Device) testing to make sure that it is not
        going towards providing similar services   content on the aircraft, once all challenges   affecting flight systems, ensuring a safe flight.
        on regional flights. “IFE is clearly moving   related to ‘Over the Top’ content is resolved.   The IFE upgrades are complex and require
        into PEDs and passengers’ expectations   Airline operators will also need to factor   detailed planning.”
                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2016  ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  19
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