Page 58 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 58

CoLuMn GhaDa MohaMeD aL Rousi

        Lessen the Gender Gap

        Why women now hold the key to the aviation sector

                                                                                becoming the preferred training method for
                                                                                many global airlines.
                                                                                  Again, I was grateful for and encouraged
                                                                                by the support of the academy that I learnt to
                                                                                fly with. Alpha Aviation UAE, based in Sharjah,
                                                                                is aware of both the growing shortage of
                                                                                pilots and lack of female pilots. As a result,
                                                                                some of the Alpha Aviation Group courses
                                                                                have been up to 20 percent female intake.
                                                                               The first three months were grueling, and
                                                                                the instructors were firm. They will identify
                                                                                your weak points as a cadet and specifically
                                                                                improve you in those areas. I graduated as
                                                                                the first emirati holder of the MPL, and I hope
                                                                                I can serve as an example and inspiration to
                                                                                many other budding aviatrixes.
        theRe has neVeR Been a BetteR tiMe   gender, it is about hard work, ability and   The barriers that might once have
        to build a career in the aviation industry.   desire. In my case, I knew being a pilot was   prevented  women from  flying  a plane  are
        Airlines are growing, with more planes, more   right for me. I told myself I was able enough   disappearing and, most importantly, the
        flights, more routes and more passengers   to do the job and now, as a first officer for Air   aviation sector now needs female pilots. Pilot
        than ever before. Nowhere is this truer   Arabia, I’ve never looked back.   supply is falling short of demand and will
        than in the Middle East and Asia, where the   I have been lucky in that, in the UAE, the   continue to do so unless a solution is found.
        growth  of  the  middle-class  is  generating   country is supportive of women like me   Of course, some women will never start pilot
        considerable industry growth. But if this   who are looking to break down barriers   training: they might not be able to afford the
        progress is to be maintained, the sector   and balance family life with a career.  The   course and sadly, some families might still
        must address the one area where growth is   importance of this encouragement for young   not accept that it is  a job for  women.  But
        stalling: pilot numbers.            women looking to become pilots cannot be   governments and airlines now have a duty
           Currently, there are approximately   emphasised enough – whether it be from   to educate people on the possibilities of
        130,000 commercial pilots flying worldwide.   family, government or wider society.   women becoming commercial airline pilots,
        Boeing has estimated that by 2034, 558,000   Overall, mindsets are starting to shift.   and women  have a  duty to pursue  their
        more  commercial  pilots  will be  needed   Many people are surprised that, coming from   dreams. If you want this job enough, then you
        to meet the growth of the industry.  Yet   a conservative background in the Middle East,   simply have to go for it. Don’t listen to anyone
        currently just 3 percent of commercial pilots   I have been able to fulfil my career aspirations   who tells you that you can’t.
        are female. If the demand for more pilots is   in  the  aviation  sector.  But  more  and  more   This is a crossroads for the aviation
        to be met, this statistic has to change.   young women are realising that it is possible;   sector. We can either be pro-active in bringing
           The reasons for a lack of female pilots   recently a Royal Brunei Airlines plane piloted   a  whole  new  demographic  into  the  cockpit
        are varied. In some markets, certain   by an all-female crew landed in Saudi Arabia,   to solve the impending pilot shortage crisis,
        cultural and attitudinal barriers still exist,   a landmark moment in the history of aviation.  or we can watch some of the most talented
        with piloting still very much seen as a   That’s not to say that becoming a   women  of  our  generation  move  into  other
        ‘male’  profession.  Similarly  there  exists  a   pilot is easy. I undertook the Multi-Crew   fields. I am proud to serve my country in
        misconception that  all pilots  are forced   Pilots  Licence  (MPL), which  develops  the   this job every day and my country shows its
        onto long-haul trans-continental flights,   abilities needed to fly in a multi-crew airline   pride by supporting me. It is time for more
        pulling you away from home for weeks on   environment and takes more advantage   countries and more women to follow suit.
        end – and therefore making it impractical to   of flight simulators than a traditional
        both fly and raise a family.        Commercial Pilot Licence.  The MPL   (Ghada Mohamed Al Rousi is Air Arabia first
           But piloting a plane shouldn’t be about   seemed the right choice as it is increasingly   officer and Alpha Aviation Group graduate)
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