Page 54 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 54



                                                                                CAE Signs Training Deals with
                                                                                Air Seoul and Korea Airports
                                                                                CAE has announced an exclusive 5-year
                                                                                commercial aviation training contract with
                                                                                Air Seoul and a new pilot training agreement
                                                                                with Korea Airports Corporation (KAC).
                                                                                CAE will support Air Seoul’s Airbus A320
                                                                                training needs in the region and the South
                                                                                Korean carrier’s pilots will commence their
          A350 Component Support for China Airlines from Lufthansa Technik      training on August 1, 2016 at the CAE Korea
          Taiwanese carrier has contracted Lufthansa   Technik could  offer us the high level  of   Training  Centre.  The  Canadian  training
          Technik for a long term  Total Component   performance and reliability that we are in   services providers 5-year contract with
          Support (TCS) contract, for the airline’s   need of for the component support of our   KAC complements a recently announced
          new Airbus A350 fleet. Both companies   new A350 fleet. We believe partnering with   sale of the Cessna M2 full-flight simulator
          already share an existing partnership as   Lufthansa  Technik is a win-win strategic   (FFS) by CAE to the company. The future
          Lufthansa  Technik has been supporting   move and will further strengthen the   pilots  will  start  training  next  year  at
          China Airlines’ A330 and A340 long-haul   collaboration between China Airlines and   CAE’s Korea  Training Centre at Gimpo
          fleets  under  a  TCS  contract  since  2010.  Lufthansa Technik,” said C.J. Huang, Senior   airport, Korea. CAE will provide a number
          According to the contract, the Hamburg/  Vice President at China Airlines. In addition   of training services to support KAC’s new
          Germany-based  maintenance,  repair  and   to providing maintenance, reliability   jet training programme, as part of the
          overhaul (MRO) Lufthansa  Technik will   monitoring,  reliability  enhancement  agreement, under which up to 200 cadets
          now be responsible for the component   programs as well as logistic services,   will be trained every year.
          supply for China Airlines’ new Airbus A350   Lufthansa Technik will provide a worldwide
          fleet. “After a long selection process we   AOG support for China Airlines modern
          came to the conclusion that Lufthansa   wide body fleet.              Rockwell Collins to Sell Satellite
                                                                                Services in Brazil.
                                                                                Rockwell Collins has announced that it has
          Bombardier Business Aircraft Marks MRO Milestone                      been licensed to sell satellite services in
          Bombardier  Business  Aircraft  has  Vice President, Aircraft Service Centres.   Brazil, allowing it to deliver more aviation
          announced the completion of over 75  “As the aircraft manufacturer, no other   connectivity options, to Rockwell Collins’
          120-month heavy inspections on its   maintenance provider comes close to   customers. “Passengers are demanding
          Global business jets by its Service   the level of expertise we have on this   faster and more reliable in-flight internet
          Centre Network. One of the largest   aircraft or this inspection.”  The Service   service and this agreement provides our
          maintenance events in an aircraft’s   Centre Network delivers comprehensive   business, commercial and government
          lifecycle, the 120-month inspection on   capabilities and flexibility to the customer,   aviation operators with access to new
          the Global business jet becomes due   as well as on-site parts inventory and   services from Rockwell Collins,” says David
          during its tenth year of service. “This   engineering support. Completion of   Stanley, vice president, ARINCDirect Cabin
          milestone demonstrates our experience,   additional work during the downtime,   Services  for Rockwell Collins.  Rockwell
          our expertise, and most importantly, our   such as paint, installation of in-flight   Collins as a result of the global license,
          ability to offer our customers peace of   connectivity, avionics modifications or   authorized by Anatel, will now have the
          mind, particularly when faced with one   interior refurbishment can also be done   ability to sign distribution and service
          of the most critical inspections in the   to maximise the work done on the aircraft   agreements with any satellite entities and
          product’s lifecycle,” says Stan  Younger,   during the intensive maintenance work.   customers operating in Brazil.

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