Page 22 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 22


                                                                                                                           Maintenance Repair Overhaul

                                                                                oPPosite PAge: VivaAerobus has
                                                                                earned a market share of 14 percent
                                                                                since  commencing  operations  in
                                                                                November 2006
                                                                                LeFt:  VivaAerobus operates its
                                                                                A320s in 182 seat configuration

        digits over the last few years.   Volaris,   already got two of them; we were one of   Controlling the Controllable
        another low-cost carrier, has been spending   the first operators in Latin America to get  “Seventy  five  percent  of  our  costs  are
        time and money on convincing people to   them.  We are doing an average of eight   uncontrollable,” said Zuazua. “Fuel, airport
        fly, even giving away tickets in order to   sectors per day with the NEOs and are   navigation  and  government  taxes;  there  is
        convert traditional bus travelers into new   quite pleased with the engine performance.”   very little that we can do about that.  We have
        customers.  Being owned by Mexico’s largest   Having a single aircraft fleet is crucial to   25 percent fixed costs; that gives us a lot of
        bus company, VivaAerobus has an advantage   the company’s plans, according to Zuazua.   flexibility.” Ancillary revenue accounts for
        over other carriers, something that it has  “You have a lot of simplicity in operations.   as much as 41 percent of the carrier’s total
        relentlessly exploited.             This helps to take complexity out of the   net revenue and just 26 percent of the total
           More than 350 bus stations in the   organization in  training, staffing  and   price. “To reduce pressure on fares, it is very
        country sell VivaAerobus tickets, thus giving   everything else. Complexity is a silent killer   important to have different revenue streams,”
        passengers the convenience of traveling to   in organisations.”         said the CEO. “That takes a lot of pressure off
        other cities, partly by air and by bus.  With                           you and stimulates demand.”
        the Mexican aviation, domestic market   Lean and Mean                     The carrier’s average fare in 2016 was
        just a fraction of the number of people who   The airline has 42 full time employees   US$56. The airline  collected  and additional
        travel by bus, this arrangement has helped   per aircraft, the lowest among carriers in   US$20 as ancillary revenue. The total price
        the airline woo a number of first time flyers.   Mexico. Similarly, there are more seats on a   that passengers paid on average was US$74.
        “IAMSA  moves  250 million  passengers   VivaAerobus aircraft compared to others in   The airline’s profit per passenger was US$5.
        between cities in Mexico every year,” said   the country. “We are very lean,” said Zuazua.
        Zuazua. “It is a huge benefit for us to work  “Our closest competitors has 60 employees   Earning as They Fly
        with them. This allows us to reach about 100   per aircraft. The biggest carrier in Mexico   VivaAerobus pilots and flight attendants
        important cities in Mexico that do not have   has about 100 employees per aircraft.  We   must be hoping it is busy all year; their
        an airport. We are connecting a lot of point to   operate with 182 seats, while other carriers   salaries fluctuate depending on how much
        point markets that have never been served   have 174 and 150. We also do six sectors per   they fly. “We only pay them when they fly;
        before. Twelve percent of our total sales are   day per aircraft, much more than any other   the fixed part of their salaries is 50 percent,”
        done through the bus stations.”     carrier.  This allows us to produce more   said Zuazua. “Every single day, our pilots
                                            seats. The more sectors and seats you can   start and end their day in their home base
        Fleet Renewal Brings Results        produce, the lower the costs you have on   with their families; we are the only airline in
        As part of its attempts to reduce spending   every search; that is an assumption that   Mexico to do that. This helps us to have a very
        on fuel,  VivaAerobus in 2013 decided to   every low-cost carrier should start with.”   sustainable pilot base.”
        spend money on 40 A320 NEOs and 12 A320   In a departure from practice in Mexico,   The carrier currently has two U.S. routes
        CEOs.  The move has yielded results, with   the carrier has outsourced airport operations.   and Zuazua says he is not in any rush to add
        the use of the A320 CEOs already resulting  “This is not very common in the Americas but   more.  “International flying comes with a
        in a 15 percent savings on fuel. “Having the   it is common in Europe,” said Zuazua. “We   lot of complexity. Flying to the U.S. reduces
        right engine is very important,” said Zuazua.   are the first airline in the country to full   aircraft utilisation.  You will never get a
        “We have 40 A320 NEOs in the pipeline. We   outsource all airport operations.”   25-minute turnaround in any U.S. airport.”
        22   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  APRIL / MAY 2017                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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